v1.1.0 beta 2
- Updated docs for HA integration since method was depricated
User interface
- Calibration temperature (for temp adjustment) can now be set under advanced settings.
- Changes length of device name from 12 to 63 chars. 63 is the max limit according to mdns.
- Improved error messages when creating formula so the meaasurement points can be identified.
- Changed defaule validation threashold from 1.6 SG to 3.0 SG, this should allow for some more variance when creating formula.
- Updated format template for Home Assistant for using manual configuration (Aligned with new mqtt configuration format)
- Added format template for Home Assistant with automatic device registration
- Added ${app-ver} and ${app-build} to format template as new variables.
Issues adressed
- BUG: Temp corrected gravity was not used when pushing data to removed
- BUG: Low memory in format api which resulted in mqtt template to be set to null
- BUG: Large format templates could be saved but when loading it's only blank. Increased total memory from 3kb to 5kb