Automate Boring Stuff Join us Thursdays to discuss Automate the Boring Stuff With Python: A friendly forum where we can ask questions, provide feedback & help each other with our coding journey. Explore our code & notes for each chapter here! - By Jamila Evilsizor |
Python Snippets Check out our amazing & useful code examples. Increase your Python skills here! - By Sara A. MetwalliScissors Icon by Lluisa Iborra, from The Noun Project. |
Titanic Machine Learning webinar 7/30/2019 Do you want to rank in the top 10% in a Kaggle Competition? Explore the Titanic Dataset & get a taste of Exploratory Analysis & Machine Learning Prediction with Python. - By Kunal Lalwani
Taller Internacionalización con Django 7/24/2019 Aprende los conceptos relacionados con la internacionalización de aplicaciones web con ejemplo traducción del contenido estatico y dinamico de un sitio web. - Por Isabel Cristina Ruiz Buritica |
Python Project Nights starting 7/16/2019 Explore beginner projects with code samples & warm-up exercises. - By Bethany Garcia |
Using Jupyter, Pandas & Matplotlib: PyCon 2019 (re-broadcast 7/02/2019) Using Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, and Matplotlib to create a framework for teaching data science in a scientific context. Download the presentation and resources here. - By Gabrielle Rabinowitz |