This repository is for an easy-to-use library utilizing Docker. We use the following environment.
- docker
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS noetic
You can find the original instruction file here
We have modified
to include instructions for installing Docker images and containers.
Using the image file, you can create a container.
cd docker
docker build -t dlo-noetic:latest .
Using image file, you can make container.
docker run --privileged -it \
--volume=${DLO_root}:/root/workspace/src \
--volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
--net=host \
--ipc=host \
--name=${docker container name} \
${docker image} /bin/bash
You need to replace ${DLO_root}
, ${docker container name}
, and ${docker image}
with your specific values. An example is provided below.
docker run --privileged -it \
--volume=/home/jin/Documents/direct_lidar_odometry:/root/workspace/src \
--volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
--net=host \
--ipc=host \
--name=dlo-noetic \
dlo-noetic:latest /bin/bash
==============Direct Lidar Odometry Noetic Docker Env Ready================
❗️ All processes are operated within the container terminal!
source /
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
catkin init
catkin build
❗️ All processes are operated within the container terminal!
roslaunch direct_lidar_odometry dlo.launch \
pointcloud_topic:=${lidar_topic} \
You can save .pcd and trajectory files.
Save .pcd file
rosservice call /robot/dlo_map/save_pcd LEAF_SIZE SAVE_PATH
Save the trajectory in the KITTI format.
rosservice call /robot/dlo_odom/save_traj SAVE_PATH
For your convenience, we provide sample test data here (9 minutes, ~4.2GB).
roslaunch direct_lidar_odometry dlo.launch
rosbag play dlo_test.bag
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We thank the authors of the direct lidar odometry open-source packages.