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Nodejs & MongoDb (Native Driver) Pagination


MongoDb Pagination is a library to handle pagination data using MongoDb


this module supports and is tested against:

  • mongodb 3+ - lastest


  • server/client side rendering
  • multiple aggregation/join
  • multiple fields search value
  • multiple filter fields
  • pagination / response in datatable format
  • able to use any Methods (POST,GET, etc),


This module is using async function and the query is using query aggregation()


npm install mongodb-pagination


buildPagination: async (
    aggregate) {



  • mongoConfig

    Is an Object and it's required.

    mongoConfig must contains keys client and the main collectionName. This is used to declare mongodb client connection as injection.


    const mongoConfig = {
        client: client.db('databaseName'),
        collection: 'user'
  • payload

    the availabe parameters for payload and those are optional:

    • sortBy as string, default = updatedAt
    • sortType as number|string || asc|1|desc|-1, default = 1
    • search as string, default = null
    • page as number, default = 1
    • size as number, default = 10
    • filter as array, Array<Array[[field, value, operator]]>

    filter is used to filtering the data comparing to the value from main collection. Use the mongo operator without $. filter and search also can combined.

    Noted that if there is no User's query, then set it to be null.

    If payload === null, then it will use default below

    payload : { sort: { updatedAt: 1 }, search: null, page: 1, size: 10, filter: [] }

    The is used to search(%s%) within the fields of fieldSearch.

    This module allows us to use POST,GET, etc. So it can be used depending on which one you are comfortable using.

    Note: i suggest to use GET method for best practice.

    example input:

    const payload = {
        sortBy: 'first_name',
        sortType: 'desc',
        search: 'my first_name',
        filter: [[ "email","", 'eq']]
        page: 2,
        size: 2
  • fieldSearch

    Is an Array and it's optional.

    fieldSearch is used to search on any string in

    Because this module is used to handle data pagination and as datatable in the client's side, there must be an available field(s) that can be found

    There will be a shortage if fieldsearch is not provided, which is this module will do once query with find().limit(1) first, then the query results will be set to be data default for fieldSearch and projection

    That is used to get all fields on the collection. Please consider to provide fieldSearch and projection, it will also increase the query performance because we will only do once query.

    ex. meaning: I only want this fields first_name, last_name, email to be searchable, then put them like in example below.


    const fieldSearch = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'];
  • projection

    Is an Object and it's optional.

    projection is used to filter/hide the output from parent collection.

    Please consider as i mention above to provide this parameter

     - if there is no filtering field(s), set it to be `null`.
     - if there are fields that need to be `hiddden`, then put them to be `readable`.

    ex. meaning: assumes that there is password field and it shouldn't be in the output query

    const projection = { first_name: 1, last_name: 1, email: 1 };
  • aggregation

    Is an Object to do join/relationship of the collections.

    ex: meaning: the collection user need to provide user's country and the user's city where in collection user have fields like :

    user collection

        "firstName": "mrbontor",
        "email": "",
        "countryId": "63e3d2f3...", //ObjectID || string
        "cityId": "63e3d2f3..." //ObjectID || string


    const aggregation = [
            collectionName: 'country',
            uniqueId: 'countryId'
            collectionName: 'city',
            uniqueId: 'cityId'

    New Feature on v1.1.1 now its able to filter/search data in sub collections.

    You only need to add new keys (subSearch and fieldToSearch) in paramater aggregation, the config will be like:

    const aggregation = [
            collectionName: 'country',
            uniqueId: 'countryId',
            subSearch: 'country name',
            fieldToSearch: ['name'] // field name country
            collectionName: 'city',
            uniqueId: 'cityId',
            subSearch: 'country name',
            fieldToSearch: ['name'] // field name city

    Note: even though the field countryId and cityId are not provided in the projection, the filtering/search will be also works.

    New Feature on v1.2.1 now its able to use projection in sub collections. the format value for projection following the mongodb or use an array instead.

    Noted: its recommended to use projection while using sub collection to enhance the perfomance of the query

    const aggregation = [
            collectionName: 'country',
            uniqueId: 'countryId',
            subSearch: 'country name',
            fieldToSearch: ['name'] // field name country
            projection: {name: 1, city: 1} // or ['name', 'city']


there is an example in folder example, please check README for more detail.

const mongoPagination = require('mongodb-pagination');

//prepare configuration
const mongoConfig = {
    client: client.getDb().db(),
    collection: 'user'
//setup payload
const payload = { sortBy: 'first_name' };
//setup searchable fields
const fieldSearch = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'gender', 'countryId', 'status'];
//setup projection
const projection = { first_name: 1, last_name: 1, email: 1, gender: 1, countryId: 1, status: 1 };
//setup aggregation
const aggregation = [
        collectionName: 'country',
        uniqueId: 'countryId'

const pagination = await mongoPagination.buildPagination(mongoConfig, payload, fieldSearch, projection, aggregation);

return pagination;

example output with no data

    "sort": { "first_name": "ASC" },
    "page": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "totalRecord": 0,
    "totalPage": 0,
    "data": [{...}]

example output without agregation collection

    "sort": { "updatedAt": "ASC" },
    "page": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "totalRecord": 100,
    "totalPage": 10,
    "data": [
            "_id": "63e3d2f35f96e524a35d7e97",
            "first_name": "Tobok",
            "last_name": "Sitaggang",
            "email": "",
            "gender": "Male",
            "createdAt": "2023-02-08T15:46:22.377Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-02-08T15:46:22.377Z",
            "status": true,
            "countryId": { "_id": "63e3ab045f96e524a35d7cde", "name": "Indonesia" }

example output with agregation

    "sort": { "updatedAt": "ASC" },
    "page": 1,
    "size": 10,
    "totalRecord": 100,
    "totalPage": 10,
    "data": [
            "_id": "63e3d2f35f96e524a35d7e97",
            "first_name": "Tobok",
            "last_name": "Sitaggang",
            "email": "",
            "gender": "Male",
            "createdAt": "2023-02-08T15:46:22.377Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-02-08T15:46:22.377Z",
            "status": true,
            "countryId": {
            "name": "Indonesia"


  • allow to use projection when join collection(s)
  • enable to filter using field instead
  • enable to use projection for sub collection
  • enable filter for sub collection

New Release > v1.1.*

  • allow to use projection when join collection(s)
  • enable to filter using field instead
  • enable to use projection for sub collection
  • change LICENCSE, my bad.


Noted: i use coverage: true with the unit test, all have been tested and passed, even though the coverage shown is no.

npm test


1. Fork it!
2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
5. Submit a pull request :D

Noted: i use commitizen to handle commit message, and i'm very thankfull cause it make it easir to handle the versioning.


MIT Licence

If my work helps you, please consider buying me a coffee

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