A site for the odin/monty book; you may prefer to go to the actual book site if you want the content.
You will need to install quarto, start here to do so.
You will also need very recent versions of everything, the easiest way is probably
c("monty", "dust2", "odin2"),
repos = c("https://mrc-ide.r-universe.dev", "https://cloud.r-project.org"))
quarto preview
which will open the site in a browser. Then edit the .qmd
pages; changes will rebuild automatically.
The site will build when pushed to GitHub, so failures will show on a PR. It will push to gh-pages
automatically when merged.
Documentation for quarto is here and for books specifically here
We cache models in _dust
so that it's not painful to edit things. You should remove this directory after substantial changes to any of the packages (you may want to delete _book
too so that quarto rebuilds everything as expected).