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Requests and Responses
Welcome to the WebUntisSharp wiki.
This page will cover all calls you can make to the WebUntis server, and all responses you will get.
Take a look at all Requests and Responses, or at the official JSON PDF.
To use these Requests you have to have a session already created. See the home page for info on creating a new session.
Create a new session and login with given credentials.
You will not need to login manually, the Constructors will take care of this.
await untis.Login(
string user, // Username for the WebUntis account
string password, // Password for the WebUntis account
string client // The Client (e.g. "ANDROID")
Logout/End the current Session.
An application should always logout as soon as possible to free system resources on the server.
You do not have to manually logout, when using a using
-block or calling the Dispose()
await untis.Logout();
Get a List of all Teachers
List<Teacher> teachers = await untis.GetTeachers();
The Teacher
int id;
string name;
string foreName;
string longName;
string foreColor;
string backColor;
Get a List of all Students
List<Student> students = await untis.GetStudents();
The Student
int id;
string key;
string name;
string foreName;
string longName;
string gender;
Get list of base classes for schoolyear
List<Class> classes = await untis.GetClasses(
string schoolyearId // The ID of the school year to query Classes
The Class
int id;
string name;
string longName;
string foreColor;
string backColor;
int did;
Get a List of all Subjects
List<Subject> subjects = await untis.GetSubjects();
The Subject
int id;
string name;
string longName;
string foreColor;
string backColor;
Get a List of all Rooms
List<Room> rooms = await untis.GetRooms();
The Subject
int id;
string name;
string longName;
string foreColor;
string backColor;
Get a List of all Departments
List<Department> departments = await untis.GetDepartments();
The Department
int id;
string name;
string longName;
Get a List of all Holidays
List<Holiday> holidays = await untis.GetHolidays();
The Holiday
int id;
string name;
string longName;
long startDate;
long endDate;
Get the current Timegrid
Timegrid timegrid = await untis.GetTimegrid();
The Timegrid
int day; // day of the week, 1 = sunday, 2 = monday, .. 7 = saturday
TimeUnit[] timeUnits;
The TimeUnit
long startTime;
long endTime;
Information about lesson types and period codes and their colors
StatusData statusData = await untis.GetStatusData();
The StatusData
KeyValuePair<string, Colors> lstypes;
KeyValuePair<string, Colors> codes;
The Colors
string foreColor;
string backColor;
Get data for the current schoolyear
Schoolyear schoolyear = await untis.GetSchoolyear();
The Schoolyear
int id;
string name;
long startDate;
long endDate;
Get a list of all available schoolyears
List<Schoolyear> schoolyears = await untis.GetSchoolyears();
The Schoolyear
int id;
string name;
long startDate;
long endDate;
Get a Timetable for a given Element
TimetableResult timetable = await untis.GetTimetableForElement(
int elementId, // The ID of the Element (e.g. with elementType 2 (=teacher), the teacher's ID)
int elementType, // The type of the Element (1 = class, 2 = teacher, 3 = subject, 4 = room, 5 = student)
long startDate, // The Start Date of the Timetable (default: current)
long endDate // The End Date of the Timetable (default: current)
The TimetableResult
int id; // ID of period
long date;
long startTime;
long endTime;
int[] kl; // array of classes ids
int[] te; // array of teacher ids
int[] su; // array of subject ids
int[] ro; // array of room ids
string lstype; // „ls“ (lesson) | „oh“ (office hour) | „sb“ (standby) | „bs“ (break supervision) | „ex“ (examination) (omitted only if lesson)
string code; // „“ | „cancelled“ | „irregular“ omitted if empty
string lstext; // text of the lesson, omitted if empty
string statflags; // statistical flags of the lesson, omitted if empty
Import time of the last lesson/timetable or substitution import from Untis
System.DateTime importTime = await untis.GetLastImportTime();
Get Id of the person (teacher or student) by name
int personId = await untis.GetPersonId(
int personType, // The Type of Person | 2 = Teacher, 5 = Student
string surname, // The Surname of the Person to query
string forename, // The Forename of the Person to query
int birthdata // The Birthdata of the Person (Default is 0)
Request substitutions for the given date range
Substitution[] substitutions = await untis.GetSubstitution(
long startDate, // The Begin Date of the Substitutions to filter
long endDate, // The End Date of the Substitutions to filter
int departmentId = 0 // The ID of the Department (default = 0)
The Substitution
//type of substitution:
//cancel = cancellation | subst = teacher substitution | add = additional period | shift = shifted period | rmchg = room change
string type;
ID id;
long date;
long startTime;
long endTime;
int[] kl;
int[] te;
int[] su;
int[] ro;
int[] txt;
Reschedule reschedule;
The ID
int id;
int orgid;
The Reschedule
int date;
int startTime;
int endTime;
Request classregevents for the given date range
Event[] events = await untis.GetClassRegEvents(
long startDate, // The Begin Date of the ClassregEvents to filter
long endDate // The End Date of the ClassregEvents to filter
The Event
string studentid;
string surname;
string forname;
long date;
string subject;
string reason;
string text;
Get Exams
Exam[] exams = await untis.GetExams(
long startDate, // The Begin Date of the ClassregEvents to filter
long endDate, // The End Date of the ClassregEvents to filter
int examTypeId // The Exam Type ID
The Exam
int[] classes;
int[] teachers;
int[] students;
int subject;
long date;
long startTime;
long endTime;
string name;
string longName;
bool showInTimetable;
Get Exams Types
Exam[] exams = await untis.GetExamTypes();
The Exam
int[] classes;
int[] teachers;
int[] students;
int subject;
long date;
long startTime;
long endTime;
string name;
string longName;
bool showInTimetable;