Able to link TOCK intents through botapi webhook/websocket call
Two Differents intents (customisable in bot.kt):
llmdify: Dify.AI a LLM OPS platform you can deploy with docker or a helm chart
llmopenai: any llm that provide an openAI API compliant endpoint (ollama, vllm etc)
flow chart:
graph LR
Botapi{Botapi} --> CODELLM[CODELLM]
CODELLM[CODELLM] -- if intent is llmdify --> B((DIFY API + RAG))
CODELLM -- if intent is llmopenai --> C(OpenAI API)
B --> E( OLLAMA LLMs multi LLM provider)
C --> E
Call will use this sequence diagram:
TockChat ->> tock-botapi: Why is the sky blue?
tock-botapi-->>THIS-codellm: Why is the sky blue?
THIS-codellm-->>difyApi with RAG: Why is the sky blue?
difyApi with RAG-->>ollama: Why is the sky blue?
ollama-->>difyApi with RAG: Answer
difyApi with RAG-->>THIS-codellm: Answer
THIS-codellm-->>tock-botapi: Answer
tock-botapi->>TockChat : Answer
TOCK_BOT_API_KEY: "apikey"
OPENAI_API_BASE: "http://openai_api_url/v1/"
OPENAI_API_MODEL: "model_to_use"
OPENAI_SYSTEM_PROMPT: "Tu réponds exclusivement en français de manière professionnelle et toujours positive"
DIFY_API_KEY: mytoken
Provide a docker file that enable to build containers
Theses containers are generic and if you just create intents llmdify or llmopenai, you will be able to use this code to follow to ai services.
Dify libraries are included as they were not available on maven when this code has been written, most is from but i 've had to fix some issues.'
A sample html file for the chat widget : web/index.html
Simple kotlin-based bot implementation
update common\src\main\kotlin\bot.kt to customise intents names with your needs