You can now edit thresholds in the main window (as long as there is a threshold)
The "Help Translate" button that shows when you pick a language now links to a dedicated page on the project's Wiki
Added CORS headers support for the API
Updated all external dependencies
Fixed an alignment issue with the red cross and green check when many items are added to the shopping list
Hotfix an issue related to materials renaming
NEW Synthesis added from the 2.4 update. Thanks a lot to @CMDR-Cometborne for providing everything needed!
NEW available language: brazilian portuguese. Thanks a ton to @rpivatto, @wesleymoura and CMDRs Moraes, Wladimir JRC and Warlord from brazilian minor faction Cobra Wing!
Russian localization update with lots of fixes and missing translations added. Many thanks to @VChet!
German localization update which adds most of the missing text to the application. Thanks a lot to @nepomuk16321!