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Movie App

This project implements a web application for browsing and searching movies. The app provides a user-friendly interface to explore movie details, search for specific movies, and view trending films.

Table of Contents


The Movie App is a web application that allows users to browse and search for movies. It utilizes a third-party API to fetch movie details, including titles, descriptions, release dates, and ratings. The app is built with React for the frontend and Node.js/Express for the backend.


  • Browse trending movies
  • Search for specific movies
  • View detailed information about movies
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd movie-app
  1. Set up a virtual environment (optional but recommended for the backend):
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  1. Install backend dependencies:
cd server
npm install
cd ..
  1. Install frontend dependencies:
cd client
npm install
cd ..
  1. Set up environment variables:

Create a .env file in the server directory and add your API key:

  1. Run the application:
  • Backend:
cd server
npm start
  • Frontend:
cd client
npm start


  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
  2. Browse trending movies on the homepage.
  3. Use the search bar to find specific movies by title.
  4. Click on a movie to view detailed information.

API Integration

The application integrates with a third-party movie API to fetch movie data. Ensure you have a valid API key and update the .env file in the server directory with your key.

Project Structure

├── client/                  # React frontend
│   ├── public/              # Public files
│   ├── src/                 # Source files
│   │   ├── components/      # React components
│   │   ├── App.js           # Main React component
│   │   ├── index.js         # Entry point for React
│   │   └── ...              # Other frontend files
│   └── package.json         # Frontend dependencies
├── server/                  # Node.js/Express backend
│   ├── routes/              # API routes
│   ├── server.js            # Main server file
│   └── ...                  # Other backend files
├── .env                     # Environment variables
├── package.json             # Backend dependencies
└──                # Project README file

Feel free to modify this README file as per your specific project requirements and details.


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