Rapor Elektronik Indonesia
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REI or Rapor Elektronik Indonesia is a Django PWA that handle the flow of school report card management. This app can produce a digital school report card in the form of PDF file.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
These are list of things you need to have before you use the project and how to install them.
- Python
Download the Python installer here (preferably Python 3.8)
Run the installer - Text Editor
You can choose any text editor that suits you the most, but I reccomend using Visual Studio Code
Download the VSCode installer here
Run the installer
To get started, Install the requirements.txt
You can use any virtual environment you want, but I prefer virtualenv
1. Setting Up Virtual Environment
Open terminal in the root directory of this project
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
2. Activate Your Virtual Environment
For Windows
cd env/Scripts
For Linux
source env/bin/activate
3. Install The requirements.txt
In the root directory of this project
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Migrating The Models
In the root directory of this project
manage.py migrate
5. Create SuperUser Account
In the root directory of this project
manage.py createsuperuser
You can input any data for the superuser account
6. Running The Server
In the root directory of this project
manage.py runserver
This will run the server using the default SQlite as DBMS.
manage.py runserver --settings=REI.mongo
To run this project using MongoDB as DBMS. Default port is 8000, so access the server there
To access the admin site visit the /admin url
You will need your "Nomor Induk" & "Password" from step 5 as a login authentication
To properly use the export to PDF feature, we use weasyprint. As stated by weasyprint [1]
Besides a proper Python installation and a few Python packages, WeasyPrint needs the Pango, cairo and GDK-PixBuf libraries. They are required for the graphical stuff: Text and image rendering. These libraries aren’t Python packages. They are part of GTK+ (formerly known as GIMP Toolkit), and must be installed separately.
Therefore before you use and run this project you need to install the GTK3 runtime. Click here to download the installation file
After you finish the installation you need to add to PATH the GTK3 runtime. Depending on the GTK installation route you took, the proper folder name is something along the lines of:
- C:\msys2\mingw32\bin
- C:\msys2\mingw64\bin
- C:\Program Files\GTK3-Runtime Win64\bin
- Front-end team: Azka Atqia
- Back-end team: Hariz Sufyan Munawar
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
[1]: Keep in my mind that this step is only for Windows OS. For more information about this step please read the official weasyprint documentation