Here are some of the online resources I used or read to get a better understanding of the mechanics behind tracking orbiting bodies.
- Satellite Tracking Using NORAD Two-Line Element Set Format, Transilvania University of BraΕov, written by Emilian-IonuΕ£ CROITORU, Gheorghe OANCEA
- Calculation of Satellite Position from Ephemeris Data, Applied GPS for Engineers and Project Managers,
- Describing Orbits, FAA US Gov
- Transformation of Orbit Elements, State and Coordinates of Satellites in Two-Body Motion. Space Electronic Reconnaissance: Localization Theories and Methods, First Edition.
- Introduction to Orbital Mechanics, W. Horn, B. Shapiro, C. Shubin, F. Varedi, California State University Northridge
- Computation of Sub-Satellite Points from Orbital Elements, by Richard H. Christ, John F Kennedy Space Center, NASA
- Satellite Orbits, calculus castle
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