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ember install ember-junkdrawer


For full docs, visit the docs site

Bootstrap Extras

The great Ember Bootstrap addon provides a lot of great functionality. This addon provides some useful items outside the scope for the more general purpose addon.

UI-Card Component

A ergonomic contextual component for bootstrap's .card components.

    <BsCard as |c|>
        <c.image position="top" src="htts://my-static-img.png">
        <c.header>Card Header</c.header>
        <c.body as |bod|>
            <bod.text>Card text here........</bod.text>
        <c.footer>Card Footer</c.footer>

Close Button

At long last, our national nightmare of copying and pasting a close button is over.

  <CloseButton (action "myCloseActionName")/>


Typing btn btn-default over and over again? SAD! It's the same arguments as {{link-to}} with an additional optional type param (defaults to primary). See Ember Bootstrap {{#bs-button}}

  {{#bs/link-button "" type="primary"}}Read Post{{/bs/link-button}}

List Groups

Bootstrap list groups require too much boilerplate html. We provide a configurable set of components to create groups.

  <ListGroup as |g|>
    <g.item @text="inline-text">
    <g.item @active="isActive" @tagName="div" @disabled=true @type="danger">
      Blocks work too!
    <g.action onClick={{action "myAction"}}>Send action as a button</g.action>
    < "route.detail" "id"> Links come free</>

Confirm Button

A little more delicious syntax sugar 🍯 for when you want to have a button with modal confirmation.

      buttonText="Dangerous Action"
      modalTitle="Trigger Missile Alert?"
      onSubmit=(action "realMissileAlert")
      onCancel=(action "fakeMissileAlert")
      This is the text that goes into the body of the modal.

Form Controls

This addon provides two custom form controls: Baremetrics Calendar and Avatar. Avatar is a custom upload type with configurable in-browser image cropping.

{{#bs-form model=changeset onSubmit=(action "submit") as |form|}}
  {{#ui/ui-box as |b|}}
      {{form.element controlType="avatar" property="logoPropertyName"}}
      {{form.element controlType="baremetrics" property="dateRange" options=(hash presets=presets)}}
      {{form.element controlType="x-toggle" property="active" options=(hash theme="light")}}

The baremetrics calendar element takes a hash of options that is the same hash available to pass to Baremetrics Calendar


Template driven tables with support for filtering.

<<<<<<< HEAD

  recordType=recordType as |t|}}


* Ember.js v2.18 or above
* Ember CLI v2.13 or above

>>>>>>> 30dc97f... message

    preFilterAlter=(action "preFilterAlter")
  as |filter|}}
    {{filter.element label="Name" controlType="text" property="name__icontains"}}
    {{filter.element label="Date Range" controlType="baremetrics" presets=dateFilterPresets property="daterange"}}
    No Results Found



Form Providers

Form providers are a way to provide some isolated business logic in a reusable manner in your UI without duplicating code between components/controllers when needing to reuse form business logic across different UIs.

DS-Model Provider

Takes a model as an argument and does no validation:

   onSubmitSuccess=(action submitSuccess)
   onServerError=(action (mut hasErrored) true)
 as |provider|}}
    {{#if hasErrored}}
     <p class="alert-danger">An Error Has Occurred</p>
    {{#bs-form model=provider.model onSubmit=(action provider.submit) as |form|}}
     {{form.element controlType="text" value="title" label="title"}}
     {{#bs-button type="submit" disabled=provider.isLoading id="save"}}Save{{/bs-button}}

Changeset Providers

For users of ember-changeset, takes a model and optional validators, and provides a changeset. If your server returns JSON:API compliant errors, also applies those errors to the changset after a form submittal.

{{#changeset-provider model=model validations=ModelValidator as |provider|}}
{{#bs-form model=provider.model onSubmit=(action provider.submit) as |form|}}
  {{form.element controlType="text" value="title" label="title"}}
  {{#bs-button type="submit" disabled=provider.isLoading}}Save{{/bs-button}}

Encapsulated Form (Old Way)


import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { computed, get } from '@ember/object';

import FormComponent from 'ember-junkdrawer/components/form/changeset-form';
import OrganizationValidations from '../../validators/organization';

export default FormComponent.extend({
  flashMessages: service(),

<<<<<<< HEAD
  validator: OrganizationValidations,
  model: computed(function() {
    return get(this, 'organization');

   * Success
  onSubmitSuccess() {
    get(this, 'flashMessages').success('Organization Updated');



{{component/my-form-component organization=model}}

Tree Shaking

There are quite a few random components in here, you can whitelist or black list certain components, services (and their subcomponents).

    'ember-junkdrawer': {
      'blacklist': [

Random Stuff

Custom Blueprint

ember g changeset-form <name>: Generates the default .hbs and .js files for the changeset form.

See the Contributing guide for details.

30dc97f... message

Current User Service

The ember-junkdrawer current user service provides lots of helpful functionality for getting the current user via ember-concurrency tasks.

Requirements: You must have an endpoint to fetch the current user at /users/?current=true. That endpoint should serialize with your store's user object.

By default, the CurrentUser service will push data to ember-intercom. Don't wan't that? You can opt out at anytime:


ENV['ember-junkdrawer'] = {
  enableFeatures: false,
  enableIntercom: false,
  enableFlashMessages: false

If your app doesn't include those, it won't inject them.


This addon exposes three hooks you can use to implement in your own. You can use the default generator to extend the provided service ember generate current-user <your service>.

didSetupUser(user) {},
didSetupOrganization(organization) {},

Default Ember Data Time Stamped Model

Tired of using the same stupid model every time?

The time stamped model comes pre-loaded with: created, modified, metadata properties predefined.

  // myapp/app/models/mymodel.js
  import TimeStampModel from 'ember-junkdrawer/models/time-stamped-model';
  export default TimeStampModel.extend({
    custom: DS.attr('string')