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Awesome Static Web Site Generators

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A static web site generator is an application that takes plain text files and compiles them to HTML files.


  • 11ty - Eleventy is a simpler static site generator. - #JavaScript #Node.js
  • ABlog - A Sphinx extension that converts any documentation or personal website project into a full-fledged blog. - #Python
  • Adduce - A versatile static site generator that handles both blogs and standard pages. - #Rust
  • Ata's SSG - A PHP-based blog-aware vanilla-HTML static site generator for GitHub Pages with markdown support.
  • Aurora - An extensible, Python-based static site generator with support for jinja2 and markdown templates. - #Python
  • BashBlog - A single Bash script to create blogs. - #Bash
  • Blag - blag is a blog-aware, static site generator -- it uses Markdown and is written in Python. - #Python
  • BlazorStatic - Use ASP.NET Blazor to generate static pages. - #.NET #C#
  • BlogC++ - A static blog generator, written in C++17. - #C++
  • Bloggrify - A static blog generator using Markdown, built on top of Nuxt-Content. - #Vue.js #Markdown
  • Cobalt - A Rust static site generator. - #Rust
  • Coleslaw - Flexible blog and site generator with a lot of plugins. - #CommonLisp
  • CommonMark Blog for Laravel - Static generator to use with Laravel projects. Uses CommonMark and FrontMatter to generate and publish files in the public-folder. Supports articles as well as listing pages #PHP
  • Franklin - A static site generator written in Julia that is primarily intended for technical blogging. - #Julia
  • Gitfolio - A portfolio website where you could showcase your work + a blog that will help you spread your ideas into real world. - #Node.js
  • Gozer - Simple & fast static site generator in a single static binary. - #Go #Golang
  • Hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework. - #JavaScript #Node.js
  • Hyde - #Python
  • HydePHP - Elegant and powerful static site generator with rich support for blogs, documentation sites, and more using Markdown and/or Blade - #PHP #Laravel
  • Jamify Gatsby - Publish flaring fast blogs with Gatsby and Ghost. - #JavaScript #React #Gastby
  • Jamify NextJS - Publish flaring fast blogs with Next.js and Ghost. - #JavaScript #React #Next.js
  • Jekyll - Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites. - #Ruby
  • Journey - #Go
  • Krems - A simple, lightweight static site generator for Markdown, with live preview, and GitHub Pages compatibility. #Ruby
  • Makesite - Simple, lightweight, and magic-free static site/blog generator (< 130 lines) for Python coders #Python
  • Marmite - Zero Config, Simple and fast, just run it on a folder with markdown files and done! #Rust
  • mkws - simple static site generator #sh
  • Nikola - #Python
  • Octopress - Similar to Jekyll but where everything you need is already setup. - #Ruby #Jekyll
  • Orchid Posts - Add Jekyll-like blogging functionality to your Orchid site. - #Orchid #Java #Kotlin
  • Pelican - Uses Markdown or ReST for content and Jinja2 for themes. - #Python
  • PRPL - A modular static site generator built for longevity - #TypeScript #JavaScript #Node.js
  • Qgoda - Arbitrary taxonomies and cross-links, multi-lingua. - #Perl
  • Quartz - Batteries-included extensible Markdown renderer for your digital garden, complete with GH Pages integration and RSS. - #TypeScript #Node.js
  • Sake - A simple static site generator built with make. - #make #Jinja2
  • Serum - Serum is a static website generator written in Elixir Programming Language. - #Elixir
  • Sphido - A rocket 🚀 fast, lightweight, static site generator #Node.js
  • Spress - #PHP
  • Stapy - Works without any additional package and without command line on Windows. - #Python
  • Static - Supports org-mode and markdown. - #Clojure
  • Statocles - Markdown, code highlighting etc. ' #Perl
  • Tinkerer - #Python
  • WP2Static - WordPress static site generator for security, performance and cost benefits
  • Xlog - Personal knowledge management application with focus on enriching markdown files and surfacing implicit links between pages.


  • Arise - A 90s-web inspired Bash static site generator designed around slow-moving stable dependencies, modular page hierarchy, and cloud-native CI deployment. - #Bash
  • Datenstrom Yellow - For people who make small websites. - #PHP
  • Lektor - An easy to use static CMS and blog engine. - #Python
  • Primo - An all-in-one static site builder. - #Svelte #Electron
  • Publii - Easy-to-use desktop app to generate static websites. - #JavaScript #Electron
  • Wordmogul - Minimalistic blogging platform with ZIP export of .md files (GUI for Hugo/Jekyll). - #Go #Golang


  • Docnado - A rapid documentation tool that will blow you away; batteries and style included. - #Python #Jinja2
  • DocPad - #JavaScript #CoffeeScript #Node.js
  • Docsify - A magical documentation site generator. #JavaScript #Node.js
  • Doctave - A batteries-included developer documentation site generator. - #Rust
  • Docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. - #JavaScript #React
  • GitBook - Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown. - #GitBook
    • HonKit - Community-maintained fork of GitBook wiith ongoing plugin and core maintenance. - #HonKit
  • mdBook - Create book from markdown files. - #Rust
  • MkDocs - Write your docs in Markdown and configure the generator with a single YAML configuration file. - #Python
  • Orchid Javadoc - Create beautiful Javadocs for your project within your Orchid site. - #Orchid #Java #Kotlin
  • Slate - #Ruby
  • Sphinx - #Python


  • Curvenote - Build scientific and technical websites for books, preprints, papers and reports using MyST Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks - #Node.js


  • Milou - Create beautiful and informative press kits to showcase your company and products to the medias - #Node.js

Code Playground

  • CodeStage - A static site generator to create javascript playgrounds / interactive demos.


  • Assemble - #JavaScript #Node.js
  • Astro - Framework agnostic static site generator with component-level support for partial hydration on page load, page idle, component visible or none. - #JavaScript #Node.Js #React.js #Vue.js #Svelte.js
  • Blurry - Blurry is a schema-first, plugin-enabled static site generator. Markdown front matter directly to types, so your content is SEO-friendly and rich results-ready out of the box. - #Python
  • Bridgetown - A next-generation, progressive site generator & fullstack framework, powered by Ruby. - #Ruby
  • Cactus - #Python
  • Capri - Static site generator based on Vite with partial hydration for a variety of frameworks. - #TypeScript #React.js #Preact #Solid #Vue #Svelte
  • Capro - Flexible PHP8 static site generator, using Blade template engine. - #PHP #Blade
  • coil - #elixir
  • Complexity - For those who like to work in HTML. - #Python
  • ConstexprJS - Evaluate and struo JS in your website ahead of time. - #JavaScript
  • Cuttlebelle - The react static site generator that separates editing and code concerns. - #JavaScript #Node.js #React.js
  • Dewar - A flask-like static site generator. - #Python
  • Elder.js - An opinionated, SEO focused, static site generator for Svelte.js. - #JavaScript #Node.js #Svelte.js
  • Flask-Frozen - Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files. - #Python #Flask
  • Gaiden - A tool that makes it easy to create documentation with Markdown. - #Groovy
  • Gatsby - #JavaScript #Node.js #React.js
  • gen_site - Extremely minimalist site generator for people willing to edit raw HTML. - #Lua
  • Goldsmith - Fast and simple pipeline-based static site generator, extensible via plugins. #Go
  • Grain - #Groovy
  • Hakyll - Hakyll is a Haskell library for generating static sites, mostly aimed at small-to-medium sites and personal blogs. It is written in a very configurable way and uses an xmonad-like DSL for configuration. - #Haskell
  • Harp - #JavaScript #Node.js
  • Hugo - It is optimized for speed, easy use and configurability. - #Go
  • Ă®les - Generates static sites with islands of interactivity - #Vue, #Preact, #Svelte, #Solid
  • JBake #Java
  • LambdaPad - #Erlang
  • m4-bakery - #make #m4
  • Metalsmith - An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator. - #JavaScript #Node.js
  • Middleman - Middleman is a static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development. - #Ruby
  • nanoc - Flexible support for small personal to large corporate web sites. - #Ruby
  • Nuxt.js - Versatile vue-based framework for server-side-rendered, static and traditional single page applications.
  • obelisk - #elixir
  • Orchid - A beautiful and truly unique documentation engine and static site generator. - #Java #Kotlin
  • Pagegen - #Python
  • Phenomic - Modern static website generator based on the React and Webpack ecosystem. - #Javascript #Node.js #React.js
  • Publish - enables entire websites to be built using Swift, and supports themes, plugins and tons of other powerful customization options - #Swift
  • Quarto - An open-source scientific and technical publishing system with literate programming in multiple languages.
  • React Static - A progressive static-site framework for React. - #React.js
  • Scully - The Static Site Generator for Angular apps. - #TypeScript #Angular
  • Sculpin - #PHP
  • Silssig - Dart powered static site generator for GitHub/GitLab pages and other similar services with support for markdown. - #Dart
  • Sitegen - #Lua #MoonScript
  • Slides - #JavaScript
  • Soupault - A static site framework and post-processor that works with HTML element trees and can automatically manipulate them. - #Lua #OCaml
  • Styx - The Purely Functional Static Site Generator. - #Nix
  • SvelteKit - SvelteKit is a framework for building web applications of all sizes, with a beautiful development experience and flexible filesystem-based routing. - #JavaScript #TypeScript #Svelte
  • Tags - #Python
  • Urubu - #Python
  • VuePress - Vue.js powered static site generator. - #JavaScript
  • webgen - #Ruby
  • Wintersmith - #JavaScript #Node.js
  • wmk - Flexible and versatile, uses Mako templates - #Python
  • yst - Powered by YAML. - #Haskell
  • Zola - Rust powered static site generator - #Rust


  • Expose - For photoessays. - #Bash
  • foto - Yet another another publishing tool for minimalist photographers. - #Go #Golang
  • Prosopopee A static website generator to make beautiful customizable pictures galleries that tell a story - #Python
  • Sigal - #Python

Audio / Video

  • Faircamp - A static site generator for audio producers. - #Rust
  • Hyper 8 - A static site generator for video. - #Rust

RSS News

  • Liveboat - Generate static pages from your RSS urls - #Rust

Single Page

  • CMS.js - A fully client-side, JavaScript Markdown site generator. - #JavaScript
  • Flatdoc - A small JavaScript file that fetches Markdown files and renders them as full pages. - #JavaScript
  • linkyee - A fully customized, open-source LinkTree alternative deployed directly on GitHub Pages. - #Ruby


  • zs - an extremely minimal static site generator. - #Go


  • Gollum - Gollum is a simple wiki system built on top of Git. - #Ruby
  • ikiwiki - #Perl
  • mdBook - Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust. - #Rust
  • Orchid Wiki - A Gitbook-like wiki for your Orchid site. - #Orchid #Java #Kotlin

Helpful Tools and Services

  • Cloud 66 - Builds and deploys static websites to your own cloud account.
  • Fabform - A smart form backend service that works with all modern javascript frameworks.
  • Formspree - Adds functional forms to your static web sites.
  • git-annex - Configure git-annex for a public repository for a static web site.
  • JAMStack Themes - A collection of themes filterable by static site generator and CMS support.
  • Statichunt - An open sources directory of 700+ free themes and resources for static site generators submitted by the community.

Web Hosts

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