what's the day? (day.maiker.de)
We hand select only the best days from our selection of the most expertly crafted days. Made by the most experienced day craftsmen who have years of experience crafting the finest days known to mankind.
day.maiker.de uses open source projects to work. Check them out!
- Vue a great JavaScript framework.
- markdown-it a Markdown parser.
- anime.js a lightweight JavaScript animation library.
- Material Design Icons 5900+ Material Design Icons from the Community.
- Twitter Emoji (Twemoji) A simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms.
- string-strip-html strips HTML tags from strings.
- replace-string Replace all substring matches in a string.
- string-hash Fast string hashing function for Node.JS.
- hsl-to-hex Convert HSL colors to RGB colors in hex format.
- highlight.js JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection.
- markdown-it-emoji Emoji syntax plugin for markdown-it markdown parser.
- markdown-it-mdi Markdown-it plugin that adds Material Design icons support.
- markdown-it-video markdown-it plugin for embedding hosted videos.
- markdown-it-html5-media Minimalist
- markdown-it-sup Superscript tag plugin for markdown-it markdown parser
- markdown-it-mark mark tag plugin for markdown-it markdown parser
- @traptitech/markdown-it-spoiler spoiler plugin for markdown-it markdown parser
Why I made this you ask? Cause i was bored! That's why.