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Lucky Blocks

Lucky blocks

They may be unlucky for some players
© Old superfigher saying


That script adds much of insteresting things.
When a loot crate spawns on the map, there is 30% (by default) chance that it become a lucky block
There are a lot of different drop types you may receive:

  1. Player Buffs (make us harder, better, faster, stronger)
  2. Weapons (as a drop or improvement)
  3. Magic (wind, fire, and more...)
  4. Items (have you ever used expired pills?)
  5. World Events (the God of the match is watching you)

Recommendations: don't use teams, scripts that can modify objects, players, basically other mods. Lucky blocks is a global standalone mod that changes the game in many aspects. There are my other scripts, that can improve gameplay experience and works fine together (except BazookaGame, which is, in fact, also mod), i'm not responsible for the rest

All not-standart textures that you will see in GIFs aren't included to this repo

Player Buffs

Buffs can be obtained from lucky block if player breaks it by kicking or melee atacking
All durable buffs can be stacked, so you can got a buff again from lucky block, but duration can't be higher than initial value
Incompatibility means that incompatible buffs can't be obtained from lucky block when player have it

Full HP

Fully recovers player's HP

Applies: once
Can be obtained: if player's HP aren't full

Demo of buff usage


Freezes the player, preventing them from moving or using weapons

Duration: 5s
Can be obtained: if player hasn't got an immunity to freeze

Demo of buff usage


You can get warm!

Demo of unfreezing

High Jumps

Increases the player's jump height

Duration: 10s
Immunities: to fall damage

Demo of buff usage

Totem of Undying

Instantly revives the player upon death

Applies: once
Can be obtained: if player hasn't got a totem yet

Demo of buff usage


After revival you will lost all your applied buffs!


The totem will not revive you if the player's body was destroyed

Demo of note


Gives complete invulnerability to damage and magic

Duration: 7s
Incompatibility: with Hulk

Demo of buff usage (against weapon) Demo of buff usage (against magic)


The shield doesn't protect against the destruction of the player's body and time stop magic


The vampire recovers his health equal to the damage dealt to other players

Duration: 15s
Incompatibility: with Hulk and Dwarf

Demo of buff usage


Pills and medkits are poisoning you with damage equals to heal! (25 for pills and 50 for medkit)

Demo of note

Strong Man

Makes the player insanely strong
Kills enemies with one hit in melee attack
Increased shooting damage and also magic range and propagation speed
Strongly kicks objects on the map

Duration: 5s
Incompatibility: with Hulk and Dwarf
Immunities: to Wind magic

Demo of buff usage (strength) Demo of buff usage (immunity to wind) Demo of buff usage (magic range and propagation speed)


Makes the player strong, big and green
Melee damage increased threefold
Damage taken is reduced by 20%
Movement speed is reduced

Duration: 10s
Incompatibility: with Dwarf, Vampirism, Strong Man and Shield

Demo of buff usage


Makes the player small and fast
Melee damage reduced by 30%

Duration: 10s
Incompatibility: with Hulk, Vampirism and Strong Man

Demo of buff usage


Weapon can be obtained by any type of lucky block destruction

Legendary weapon

Drops a random legendary weapon (e.g are Bazooka, Grenade launcher, Sniper, M60, Chainsaw, Magnum, Flaregun)

Demo of weapon


Weapon can be booby-trapped with 10% chance! (it explodes after shoot, or in case of chainsaw after picking up)

Demo of booby-trap

Sticky grenades

Drops a sticky grenades, that can be attached to player or any surface

Demo of weapon (attaching to player) Demo of weapon (attaching to surface)


Sticky grenade has pink "glue" on it

Bow with infinite bouncing bullets

Drops a bow with infinite bouncing bullets

Demo of weapon

Grenade launcher with infinite bouncing bullets

Same as Bow with infinite bouncing bullets

Random weapon with random powerup

Drops a random weapon with random available powerup

Demo of weapon

Weapon (powerups)

Can be obtained if player have a firearm
Poweruped bullets count depends on weapon, unless otherwise stated


One firearm can has got many type of powerups, if its compatible with each other

Demo of many powerups on same weapon

Explosive bullets

Bullets trigger an explosion on colliding with any object

Incompatibility: with TripleRicochetBullets and InfiniteRicochetBullets

Demo of powerup

Triple ricochet bullets

When bullets collide with a surface, its ricochet, scattering into three

Incompatibility: with ExplosiveBullets, FreezeBullets, InfiniteRicochetBullets, AimBullets, PushBullets

Demo of powerup

Freeze bullets

When collides with player, he become frozen

Can be obtained: if alive players more than 1
Incompatibility: with TripleRicochetBullets and PushBullets

Demo of powerup

Push bullets

Pushing objects on its path

Incompatibility: with TripleRicochetBullets and FreezeBullets

Demo of powerup

Aim bullets

Follow the nearest player in some radius

Can be obtained: if alive players more than 1
Incompatibility: with TripleRicochetBullets

Demo of powerup

Infinite ricochet bullets

Bullets which can infinite ricochet

Quantity: all weapon ammo
Incompatibility: with ExplosiveBullets and TripleRicochetBullets

Demo of powerup


You can have only one type of magic in same time
Casts can be stacked as buffs, but there are not limits to casts count
Each wizard is immune to his own magic (see Wind wizard example)
To use, hide weapon (except melee) and press [ALT + A]

Wind wizard

Emits strong currents of wind that destroy everything in its path
Disarms enemies Reflects bullets
Puts out the fire

Casts count: 3

Demo of magic Demo of magic immunity

Fire wizard

Spews out a fireball, setting everything on fire in its path

Casts count: 3
Immunities: to fire, and Freeze

Demo of magic

Electric wizard

Releases an electrical wave, shocking players and electrolyzing objects
Shock makes it impossible to move and deals 3 damage every 0.3 seconds
When touching an electrified object, the player receives a shock

Casts count: 3

Demo of magic (agains players) Demo of magic (agains objects)

Decoy wizard

Spawns three illusions of the player, making it possible to confuse the enemy

Casts count: 3
Can be obtained: if no one else have got this type of magic

Demo of magic


The illusions don't damage

Time stop wizard

Stops the time
Yes, it's jojo reference, if u know, then this magic works exactly as you think, if no, so:
In time stop thrown objects first slow down, then its stop completely, and after time resumes its continue to move as usual
In time stop fire don't damage objects, after time resumes it continue to be fire as usual
In time stop bullets first travel some distance, slow down, then its stop completely, and after time resumes its continue to be bullets as usual
If wizard will die during time stop, time will automatically resume

Casts count: 1

Demo of magic


You can resume time for object by kicking it with pressed alt [ALT + S]
You can disarm players by attacking them with pressed alt [ALT + A]
You can stay on liquids like Jesus


Time stop doesn't work for other time stop wizards
If someone grab you during first 1.5s, time will resume

Magic collision

Fire magic + Electric magic = Explosion

Demo of magic colliding

Wind magic + Fire magic = Fire absorption

Demo of magic colliding



Spawns pills (25 hp) or medkit (50 hp)

Demo of medkit


Can be poisoned with 50% chance!

Demo of medkit

World events

Respawn random player

Respawns random dead player with half hp

Can be obtained: if dead player exists

Demo of event


Triggers an explosion

Demo of event

Explode random barrel

Triggers an explosion of random barrel

Can be obtained: if explosive barrels exists

Demo of event

Increase spawn chance

Increases spawn chance of lucky block (30% -> 45% -> 60%)

Can be obtained: if next level of chance exists

Demo of event

Shuffle positions

Shuffles the player positions

Can be obtained: if alive players more than 1

Demo of event

Shuffle weapons

Shuffles players weapons

Can be obtained: if alive players more than 1 and anyone have got any weapon

Demo of event

Ignite random player

Ignites a random player

Demo of event

Bloody bath

Spawns many of explosive barrels in the top of the map

Demo of event

About script

This script is a script with a huge history that began in 2021, thanks to it I learned a lot in c#, even picked up linear algebra and repeated quite a bit of physics. that's hundreds of hours of code. Now I have absolutely no time left to do or change anything, this script should have been released at the end of summer - a little more than six months ago. but in three days I finally managed to finish what I had to postpone the release because of. I can now say that I like the time stopping magic and that it is done quite well. in lucky blocks, in general, no matter how hard I tried, there were always some shortcomings, for example, source generators, which I mastered in the summer, I never completed, unfortunately. many ideas had to be abandoned. but the release can no longer be delayed. I don’t even know when we last played SFD, probably a very long time ago. this script is what will remain in the SFD from our creative association of "shiza". I want to believe that it will bring as much fun as it did for us in its time. The script can only be seen with your eyes, I do not plan to publish a way to compile it. those who want to try - good luck, I'll be interested to see