This is a Cognizant MFPE Project. This repository contains the all the microservices, front-end application (Angular), sample presentation and some screenshots.
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You need to have Java(8 or higher version), Maven, and angular cli.
There are 4 microservices i.e., Authorization, Checklist, Benchmark, Severity and A front-end application(Audit-Management-App).
all the microservices as a existing maven project.
For development purpose we have used MYSQL database and for production we have used H2 database.
Setup the MYSQL database and populate the sample data using the data.sql file present in resources folder of every microservice.
Run all the microservices and also run the front-end application.
Do change the Styling of UI according to your need.
While deploying it on aws make sure you are using the H2 database.
All the functional requirements are implemented and available.
Do check the screenshots provided for more information.