Once a week, the bot parses the KPLC website and gets the most recent PDF with a list of the places that will be affected by the scheduled power outage.
Following that, data is extracted from the pdf and saved to a text file.
Unneeded information is eliminated from the text file, and the remaining information is formatted as a nested dictionary and saved to Redis. The code contains the specifics of how everything functions.
- Python-telegram-bot --> An interface to interact with the python API.
- Regex module --> Mahorly used to remove unnecesary text from the data extracted from the pdf.
- Textract --> Extracts data from the pdf doenloaded.
- Redis --> saves the nested dictionary.
- Boutiful Soup --> parses the kplc website and doenloads the latest pdf.
- Create a folder to store the code
- At the terminal clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/n3tsploit/PowerOutage-Bot.git
or download the zip file of the code. - inside the telebot folder create a .env file containing the API token of the telegram bot gotten from Bot father.
- start the bot by running the run.py file.
You can get a working prototype of the bot here https://t.me/planned_power_outage_bot .
- Add an alert feature in which users will be notified if there is power interruption schduled in their county.
PS:Built for educational purposes, and it might contain outdated/erroneous information.