Reflex is a simple console game created to apply my C# learnings to use. It was fun :))
- Prototype of Reflex with Spacebar
- Random unpredictable start of game
- Saving and retrieving scores using .txt file
- Randomised Sequence of 3 keys
- Game core: Sequence Validation with color codes
- Loop the gameplay until Q press
- Handle highscore mechanism
- Restart game on ENTER press
- Show Scoreboard
- Add more keys + Increase sequence length
- Convert to the OOP Way of Programming
- Refactor using SOLID Principles
- Add Instructions and Controls
- Learn to change Console colors (Misc)
- ASCII Art Welcome and Thank you messages (Misc)
- Loading indicators for Start and Restart (Misc)
- Create executable for Github Releases
- C to clear scores store