Here you can find the code for HypOp, a tool for combinatorial optimization that employs hypergraph neural networks. It is versatile and can address a range of constrained optimization problems. In the current version, we have included the following problems: graph and hypergraph MaxCut, graph MIS, SAT, and Resource Allocation (see paper for details). To add new problems, add the appropriate loss function in the loss.py file and add the appropriate function in data_reading.py to read your specific dataset.
pip install -r dependency.txt
For single GPU training:
Set the config file in configs directory and run "run.py" with the specified config file.
- data: uf/stanford/hypergraph/NDC
- mode: maxcut/maxind/sat/task_vec/QUBO
- Adam: true/false; false default
- lr: learning rate
- epoch: number of training epochs
- tol: training loss tolerace
- patience: training patience
- GD: false/true (true for direct optimization with gradient descent)
- load_G: false/true (true for when G is already computed and saved and want to load it) - sparsify: false/true (true for when the graph is too dense and need to sparsify it) - sparsify_p: the probability of removing an edge if sparsify is true
- mapping: threshold/distribution
threshold: trivial mapping that maps numbers less than 0.5 to 0 and greater than 0.5 to 1
distribution: mapping using simulated annealing
- N_realize: only used when mapping = distribution: number of realizations from the distribution
- Niter_h: only used when mapping = distribution: number of simulated annealing iterations
- t: simulated annealing initial temperature
- random_init: initializing simulated annealing randomly (not with HyperGNN)
- logging_path: path that the log file is saved
- res_path: path that the result file is saved
- folder_path: directory containing the data
- model_save_path: directory to save the model
- model_load_path: directory to load the model
- transfer: false/true (true for transfer learning)
- initial_transfer: false/true (true for initializing the models with a pre-trained model)
- K: 1 default: number of optimization rounds
- num_samples: 1 default
- minimum_good_samples: 4 default
- random_portion: 0.6 default
- local_portion: 0.2 default
- cross_portion: 0.2 default
In run_dist.py
, set datasetvariable to
stanfordfor stanford dataset results, to
arxiv` for ogbn-arxiv dataset.
In run_dist.py
, set test_mode
variable to dist
python -m torch.distributed.launch run.py
in configs, set "load best out" to true, set "epoch" to 0
In run_dist.py
, set test_mode
variable to infer
python -m torch.distributed.launch run.py
Note that the results generated in Step1 is not the final results, you have to run Step 2 for postprocessing.