Here you can find the code for the paper "Assigning Entities to Teams as a Hypergraph Discovery Problem"
pip install -r dependency.txt
Set the config file in configs directory and run "" with the specified config file.
- data: APS/MAG
- Algorithm: CSA/CSA_Bipartite/Greedy/GreedyBipartite/RandomGreedy/RandomGreedyBipartite
- logging_path: logging path
- folder_path: data folder path
- res_path: result saving path
- epoch: number of optimization rounds
- Nt: number of optimization rounds for each temperature
- tol: convergence tolerace
- temp: initial temperature
- temp_decay: temperature decay rate
- nremove: number of removed assignments in each perturbation
- nswap: number of assignment swaps in each perturbation
- sym: symmetric algebraic connectivity: default False
- pen, pen1, pen2, pen3: coefficients of the penalty terms
- return: probability of going back to the best found solution at each round
- pack: energy pack size
To evaluate the solution robustness tp node failures, run "" file with the config specified in "Robustness.json"
set any of APS/Bipartite_APS/Best_APS/Initial_APS/Greedy_APS/MAG/Bipartite_MAG/Best_MAG/Greedy_MAG/Initial_MAG to True to evaluate the corresponding solution
Natt: number of removed (attacked) nodes
niter: number of times the solution is evaluated