rabbitmq was complex and inextensible. a queue is a single, atomic thing. there are lots of good uses for that atomicity if the queue can be extended easily.
a durable queue exposing all lifecycle methods as http endpoints. new routes can be added, as well as middleware to manipulate calls to existing endpoints.
ultra high performance, http is a bad fit for that.
high availability, no clustering or fail over.
high durability, it's just local disk.
you are going to need leiningen.
git clone https://github.com/nathants/spq
cd spq
lein trampoline run -m spq.server 8080 resources/config.edn
alternately you could build a lein uberjar
and run that with java -jar target/spq.jar 8080 resources/config.edn
curl shortcuts
get() { curl -sv localhost:8080${1}; } post() { curl -sv -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json"' localhost:8080${1}; }
>> get /stats {}
>> post /put?queue=test -d '{"json": true}'
>> get /stats {"test": {"queued": 1, "active": 0}}
take, stats, retry, stats
>> post /take?queue=test Id: 127509770 {"json": true} >> get /stats {"test": {"queued": 1, "active": 1}} >> post /retry -d 127509770 >> get /stats {"test": {"queued": 1, "active": 0}}
take, stats, complete, stats
>> post /take?queue=test Id: 224513658 {"json": true} >> get /stats {"test": {"queued": 1, "active": 1}} >> post /complete -d 224513658 >> get /stats {"test": {"queued": 0, "active": 0}}