Releases: nats-nui/nui
Releases · nats-nui/nui
- Added last-message autoselect for NATS core messages. Now enabling the autoselect shows automatically the last message arrived in the card subscription (#52)
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1
- Added a useful set of shortcuts to manage and navigate cards! Big thanks to my friend @priolo 😍.
- Added config flag to auto-import connections at NUI startup (#27). In previous versions you can manually import from the UI a folder containing NATS CLI context, now setting the
flag (works both in desktop and docker versions), at every startup the contexts are updated automatically.
- Added separators to allow reading large number in an easier way (#39)
- Fixed regression that in some cases prevent to use the copy and past buttons.
- Fixed a server error when reading from an empty stream.
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0
added unique id to artifact to fix v4 issue in upload
set ubuntu 22 version when building linux desktop app in CI
[NUI-210] Add set of useful keymap shortcuts (#46).
- Added a NUI user (uid 1001) in docker container, to start the application as non-root user. (#36).
- Fixed regression that show in the UI the wrong base64 encoding for bnary payloadsw (#41).
- Updated Go version to 1.23.
- Updated dependencies and fixed Dependabot warnings.
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1
updated test suite to accept new flag on server constructor
[NUI-203] Run docker container as NUI non-root user (#36)
- Added connections import from NATS CLI contexts. From the connection list is possibile to import all the exisiting CLI contexts from a directory (#27) (#33)
- Now It's possible to see and edit the config of streams, buckets and consumers JSONs directly. this allow to quickly import, clone or edit a stream without using the UI form. (#34)
- Updated Buckets view to allow to edit a bucket and see all new fields up to NATS 2.10 (#30)
- Fixed a typo that prevents to create a stream with workqueue retention policy. Thanks to @quadro9! 🐰
- Updated FE components library
Full Changelog: v0.4.4...v0.5.0
- Added support for view and edit metadata in streams and buckets.
- Added Compression and First Seq options in stream view and edit.
- Added Consumer limits options in stream view and edit.
- Added support for external sources in stream, to source or mirror from different JS domain or account.
- Added support for view and edit subjects trasforms in stream source and mirror.
- Added support for custom reply inbox prefix in connection setup.
- Added support for custom timeout in request-reply view.
- Fixed wrong visualization and error on publish of non ASCII characters (#21).
- Fixed issues with checkboxes stuck in readonly mode on edit stream view.
- Fixed wrong default value when adding a source to a new stream that prevent the correct sourcing of the stream.
- Fixed wrong behaviour in metadata edit component when different keys start with the same prefix.
- Fixed error toasts not appearing in some cases.
- Moved FE common components to external npm package.
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.4.4