This robot serves as the final project for the Robotic Experiment Class II. My team and I were assigned a case study involving real-world forklift issues, where human operators are still involved, posing potential risks of accidents. To address this, we developed a remote-controlled forklift aimed at minimizing the risk to human workers in the workplace. The robot is 3D printed using PLA material. In this project, I focused on the mechanical aspects, while also assisting my team with programming the robot. We utilized an Android remote app as the controller, establishing a Bluetooth connection with the robot.
The part we used in this project are :
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino Nano Shield
- Motor DC
- Omni Wheels (Mecanum)
- HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- 11.1 V 3S Battery
- L298N Motor Driver
- LM2596 Step Down Module\
I'll be waiting for any further questions or discussions. Thank you!