Open up your command terminal and run the following to set up
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create instance directory to store secret values. In the your file you should store your API keys, customer_id and secret key as:
mkdir instance
Save within
postmates_api_key=<enter your api key here>
customer_id=<enter your customer id here>
SECRET_KEY=<enter your secret key, can be a random string>
Please change the app config file path to fit wherever you've downloaded the repo to
export FLASK_APP=postmates
export FLASK_ENV=development
export APP_CONFIG_FILE=<Add local path here>/postmates_api/config/
Set up postgres and run it. Edit /config/ to match your local configuration.
dropdb postmates
createdb postmates
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
Go to your browser of choice and key in
This will open up the web-app.
Have fun and happy deliveries!
Credits to @far33d and @jennyslu for much of the framework inspiration