Semantic segmentation for sidewalks. It has different models and options to train over.
Run this in the parent directory
python --model=Model_name --num_epochs=20 --crop_height=128 --crop_width=192 --checkpoint_step=1 --dataset=CityScape
Training parameters
num_epochs= Number of epochs to train
crop_height= 128
crop_width= 192
checkpoint_step= Number of epochs to perform before saving latest checkpoint
dataset= Camvid, CityScape
batch_size = Batch size
model = FC-DenseNet56, FC-DenseNet67, FC-DenseNet103, MobileUNet, MobileUNet-Skip, Encoder-Decoder, Encoder-Decoder-Skip, RefineNet, FRRN-A, FRRN-B, PSPNet, GCN, DeepLabV3, DeepLabV3_plus, AdapNet, DenseASPP, DDSC, BiSeNet, custom
Note: For model option custom, you have to code your own model.
Run this in parent directory
python --frontend=Model_name --num_epochs=10 --crop_height=128 --crop_width=192 --checkpoint_step=1 --dataset=CityScape
All parameters are the same except for frontend
frontend = ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152, MobileNetV2, InceptionV4, SEResNeXt50, SEResNeXt101
Dataset options:
- Camvid (1000 images approx):
- CityScape (8000 images approx):
Note: Put the dataset in the parent directory. It should look like this
|__Parent Directory
Note: Make sure classes.csv file exists in place. It is required for the program to run and has the description of the annotated labels.
Sidewalk color: rgb(0,0,192) All other color: rgb(0,0,0)
python --crop_height=128 --crop_width=192 --model=ModelName --checkpoint_path=latest_checkpoint_path --image=TestImage.png