Models and serializers for ontologies and related artifacts backed by an AllegroGraph or a 4store database. This library can be used for interacting with an AllegroGraph or a 4store instance that stores BioPortal ontology data. Models in the library are based on Graph Oriented Objects for Ruby (Goo). Serializers support RDF serialization as Rack Middleware and automatic generation of hypermedia links.
gem install ontologies_api_client
Configuration is provided by calling the config
require 'ontologies_api_client'
LinkedData::Client.config do |config|
config.rest_url = ""
config.apikey = "your_apikey"
config.links_attr = "links"
config.cache = false
Once configured, you can utilize the existing resources that are defined
(see lib/ontologies_api_client/models
) to access a resource,
its information, and related resources.
There are multiple ways to retrieve individual or groups of resources.
To retrieve a single record by ID:
To retrieve all records that match a particular in-code filter:
categories = Category.where do |ont|"health")
The code is a block that should return a boolean that indicates whether or not the item should be included in the results.
Find By
Use shortcut methods to find by particular attribute/value pairs:
categories = Category.find_by_parentCategory("")
Attributes are named in the method and multiple can be provided by connecting them with 'and'.
Creates are done via HTTP POST, update via HTTP PATCH, and deletes using HTTP DELETE.
ontology_values = {
acronym: "MY_ONT",
name: "My Ontology",
administeredBy: []
ontology = ontology_values)
response =
puts ontology_saved.errors
new_values = {
administeredBy: []
ontology = LinkedData::Client::Models::Ontology.find_by_acronym("MY_ONT")
response = ontology.update
puts response.errors
ontology = LinkedData::Client::Models::Ontology.find_by_acronym("MY_ONT")
response = ontology.delete
All resources have a collection of hypermedia links, available by calling the 'links' method. These links can be navigated by calling the 'explore' method and chaining the link:
ontology = Category.find("")
classes = ontology.explore.classes
Links may contain a URI template. In this case, the template can be populated by passing in ordered values for the template tokens:
cls = ontology.explore.single_class("")
The client is designed to consume resources from the NCBO Ontologies API. Resources are defined in the client using media types that we know about and providing attribute names that we want to retreive for each media type.
For example:
class Category < LinkedData::Client::Base
include LinkedData::Client::Collection
@media_type = ""
Resources that are available via collections should include the Collection mixin (LinkedData::Client::Collection). By 'collection', we mean that the all resources are available at a single endpoint. For example, 'Ontology' is a resource with collections because you can see all ontologgies at the "/ontologies" URL.
Resources that should have save, update, and delete methods will need to include the ReadWrite mixin (LinkedData::Client::ReadWrite).
For questions please email
This project is licensed under the FreeBSD License © 2025 The Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University.