Use a computer without a mouse like a true hacker
- Install Fira Code Font
- Install iTerm2 or Tilix
- Preferences > Profiles > Text > Set font to FiraCode + enable Ligatures
- Install Amethyst
- Default settings are good enough
- Install Karabiner-Elements or XKeySnail
- Add complex modifications in:
- Install NeoVim
- Review
file - Create vim file :
touch ~/.vimrc
- Create symbolic link:
ln ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
- Check health in nvim and follow instructions
- Optional, Install CoC](
- Install vim-plug
- Modify vim file with your modifications + plugins
- Install plugins
- Install Tmux
- Copy
tmux.conf file to proper location
- Install Oh-my-zsh
- Install FZF with fuzzy auto completion
- Install The Silver Searcher
- Read
- Practice typing at
- Linux only Try keynav
- Try Espanso
- Try Pier