This repository contains Midgard templates and configurations needed if the decision is to run some community services on the Midgard content management platform.
The reason for this is that we've recognized that several community tools built in Midgard would be useful assets for the MeeGo community.
- Main MeeGo website will be powered by Drupal
- Different community services can be powered by other web tools (Mediawiki, Bugzilla, vBulletin, Midgard)
- All tools need to use centralized login and profile management (for now, Drupal authentication sessions)
- All tools need to use MeeGo visual templates
- A Midgard 8.09 (Ragnaroek LTS) installation and Drupal 6 installation on same server
- Midgard runs as a subdirectory on the Drupal vhost
- Midgard uses Drupal's
tables for SSO via net.nemein.drupalauth - Midgard has a copy of the MeeGo layout templates