This repository contains supplementary materials (data and code) associated with the manuscript inspecting emotional responses to climate change as predictors of mental wellbeing. The remaining supplementary materials can be found on the accompanying OSF website.
Please cite the corresponding publication when using these materials:
Marczak, M., Budziszewska, M., Wierzba, M., Fußwinkel, S., Zaremba, D., Michałowski, J., Marchewka A., & Klöckner, C.A. (2023) Inspecting diverse emotional responses to climate change as predictors of mental wellbeing. The key role of positive emotions and anxiety. PsyArXiv.
This repository contains raw and cleaned data collected in the course of the study. Morover, we share data analysis code, as well final HTML report.
To reproduce the analyses described in the manuscript, run:
rmarkdown::render("ICE_wellbeing.Rmd", output_file = "ICE_wellbeing.html")
The following R packages are required: BetterReg
, boot
, car
, kableExtra
, knitr
, lm.beta
, openxlsx
, psych
, rgl
, simpleboot
, tidyverse
Optional, but useful for working with PostgreSQL databases: RPostgreSQL
If you would like to use Inventory of Climate Emotions (ICE) in your research please contact Michalina Marczak (
Any problems or concerns regarding this repository should be reported to Małgorzata Wierzba (
The research leading to these results has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, no. 2019/34/H/HS6/00677.