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This repository contains supplementary materials associated with the development of the CLIMATE BRAIN dataset. The dataset itself is publicly available on OpenNeuro, under the accession number ds005460.

How to acknowledge

Please cite the corresponding sources when using the dataset or the associated materials.

  • OpenNeuro dataset:

    Zaremba, D., Kossowski, B., Wypych, M., Jednoróg, K., Michałowski, J. M., Klöckner, C. A., Wierzba, M., & Marchewka, A. (2025) CLIMATE BRAIN - Questionnaires, tasks and the neuroimaging dataset. OpenNeuro. [Dataset] doi:10.18112/openneuro.ds005460.v2.0.0

  • Preprint:

    Zaremba, D., Kossowski, B., Wypych, M., Jednoróg, K., Michałowski, J. M., Klöckner, C. A., Wierzba, M., & Marchewka, A. (2024) CLIMATE BRAIN - Questionnaires, tasks and the neuroimaging dataset. bioRxiv.

How to use

To reproduce the results described in the article, follow the instructions below.

Create a working directory for the analysis. By default it is assumed that $HOME is a root directory for the analysis. You can adjust this, as long as your setup follows the assumed directory structure (see below). Please be advised that you need at least 500 GB space available to complete the full analysis.

cd $HOME

Download the dataset, following the instructions provided here, e.g.:

openneuro download --snapshot 2.0.0 ds005460 ds005460/

Download the code (this git repository), e.g.:

git clone

Make sure that your directory structure is as follows, that is the ds005460 and climate-brain directories are placed in the same parent directory:

├── climate-brain
└── ds005460

If your local setup is different, you can create symlinks to mimic the required setup. For instance, if you downloaded the OpenNeuro dataset to an external storage location $STORAGE, you can create a symlink to make it accessible from your working directory:

cd $HOME
ln -s $STORAGE/ds005460 ds005460

Use the following scripts:

  • climate_brain.R to reproduce the behavioural results. This step requires R.
  • climate_brain.m to reproduce the neuroimaging results. This step requires MATLAB, SPM12, and BIDS-Matlab.
  • climate_brain.ipynb to visualise the neuroimaging results. This step requires Python, Jupyter Notebook, and Nilearn.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, no. 2019/34/H/HS6/00677.