💫 Web application dedicated to movies and surfing them to find something just right for you 💫
It's eight-people project we were developing two weeks (from 2021 September 1th to 15th) together as a team. All of us are students of GoIT school "Full Stack course" and this is our final work at the ending of JavaScript 4-month long part.
We were given some technical requirements.
P.S. but we've gone far in adding more features 💨
- search by your request and browse movies shaped into beautiful cards
- switch to next group of films by simple pagination
- give you more info about movie in a modal window (rating, genre, year)
- play a trailer
- show what's popular now by default on the home page
- save movies to your library, into "watched" or "queque" tab to find it later, whenever you want
- change color theme for your eye comfort and save it next times you'll visit
- instantly get you on top of the page by special button
- sign in with your Google account
- filter movies by genre or year
- meet our marvelous team by hitting link in the footer ✨
- Design base
- API "The movie database"
- Bundler: Parcel
- JavaScript runtime environment: Node.js 7.20.6
- basicLightBox
- for our modal windows
- tui pagination
- create pagination for home and library pages
- axios
- simplify interaction with API
- lodash debounce
- for our modal windows
- firebase
- authorization
- handlebars
- templating our HTML for dynamic data
We agreed on agile mindset and on SCRUM as a concrete methodology as the best option for this project. So, in order to maintain development process we implemented:
- scrum-master and team lead duties
- two of us had additional job to maintain work flow and organize team
- trello board
- as a task tracking tool and product backlog with our goals and due dates
- daily stand-up meetings
- to keep in touch with everybody, discuss controversial topic and help each other when it needed
Install all dependencies once per project
npm ci
Start development mode
npm run dev
In the browser tab, go to the address http: // localhost: 1234.
Here are names of contributors and links to their LinkedIn profiles: