Winter Release
This is a maintenance release for Neo4j 3.1.x
It contains the following changes since the last release.
- Make apoc.meta.* to use db-statistics for total node and rel counts
- Fixes/Improvements for apoc.refactor.mergeNodes
- Add more error handling + logging for load jdbc
- Cypher fails to execute because of empty statement
- Close all Kernel statements using try-with-resources
- Added apoc.text.base64Encode, apoc.text.base64Decode functions
- Add apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn, apoc.coll.sortMulti, apoc.coll.flatten functions
- add an
option to load.json and friends - implementing read locks
- apoc.import.file.use_neo4j_config=true does not work as expected
- Allow accessing other databases via bolt
- Added apoc.text.capitalize, apoc.text.capitalizeAll, apoc.text.decapitalize, apoc.text.swapCase, apoc.text.camelCase, apoc.text.snakeCase, apoc.text.toUpperCase functions -
- Added apoc.text.random(length, [valid_chars]) - Fixes
- Fix memory issue with periodic.iterate with too large tx-size
- Added support for multi value JSON sources in apoc.load.json
- Make default thread pool size configurable
- Parallelize Warmup
- Added aggregation to grouping nodes, made the implementation parallel
- Move versions.json generation to master branch
- added apoc.load.ldap
- Added function apoc.convert.toListOf(value, type)
- Added parallel degree distribution apoc.stats.degrees
- Adding apoc.log.* with procedures for logging out messages
- Adding
- MongoDB compatible values flag for non-packable values
- add apoc.text.split function that splits a string using a regexp (fixes )
- fixes - Add a apoc.version function