What's Changed
Breaking changes 🛠
Non-breaking changes
- NETOBSERV-1222: create PR template by @jotak in #387
- NETOBSERV-1299 missing DNS latency in topology & NETOBSERV-1294 RTT based panels seen by default by @jpinsonneau in #384
- Update flow model doc by @jotak in #383
- Bump github.com/sirupsen/logrus from 1.8.1 to 1.9.3 by @dependabot in #390
- Bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.12.1 to 1.16.0 by @dependabot in #391
- Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.0 to 1.8.4 by @dependabot in #393
- Bump dependencies (kube client, prom model...) by @jotak in #398
- Bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.42.0 to 0.44.0 by @dependabot in #399
- NETOBSERV-1313 enable feature gated panels by default by @jpinsonneau in #402
- NETOBSERV-1185 Console plugin async overview metrics by @jpinsonneau in #389
- NETOBSERV-1337 DSCP filter & side panel details by @jpinsonneau in #401
- NETOBSERV-1274 add missing labels to defaults by @jpinsonneau in #408
- NETOBSERV-1288 RTT feedback by @jpinsonneau in #404
- Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.13.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #411
- NETOBSERV-1288 enable rtt column by default by @jpinsonneau in #414
- Workflow: build images from release branches by @jotak in #415
- NETOBSERV-1316 & NETOBSERV-1380 - Get dns noError codes to always show graphs by @jpinsonneau in #422
- Update dependencies & cypress testing by @jpinsonneau in #410
- NETOBSERV-1353 Console plugin feedback by @jpinsonneau in #423
- NETOBSERV-1379: show DNS error number by @jpinsonneau in #425
- NETOBSERV-1150 Console plugin columns & filters as config by @jpinsonneau in #417
- NETOBSERV-1400 Feature filters are observed even though they are not enabled by @jpinsonneau in #427
- NETOBSERV-1402 Add extra data-test attributes for cypress by @jpinsonneau in #429
- NETOBSERV-1319 single graph focus by @jpinsonneau in #405
- NETOBSERV-1102: fine-tune http servers by @jotak in #428
- Bump dependencies by @jpinsonneau in #436
- NETOBSERV-1227 NETOBSERV-1388: Max / P90 / P99 graphs by @jpinsonneau in #412
- NETOBSERV-1432 Missing drops information in table view by @jpinsonneau in #440
- NETOBSERV-1435 Duplicate Id fields in Query Summary panel when PacketDrop enabled by @jpinsonneau in #441
- NETOBSERV-1436 PacketDrop feature has duplicate panel by @jpinsonneau in #442
- NETOBSERV-1415 Packet drop filters mismatch by @jpinsonneau in #437
- NETOBSERV-1429 Netflow tab crash by @jpinsonneau in #439
- Bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.28.4 to 0.29.0 by @dependabot in #443
- Bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.17.0 to 1.18.0 by @dependabot in #447
- NETOBSERV-1445: update deps by @jpinsonneau in #448
- Improve TCP flags doc by @jotak in #449
- NETOBSERV-1451: Bump ubi 9.3 / go 1.21 by @jotak in #451
- NETOBSERV-1429 Netflow tab crash followup by @jpinsonneau in #454
- Packet drop message update by @jpinsonneau in #455
- NETOBSERV-1407 console deduper merge mode by @jpinsonneau in #435
- Add duration tests by @jotak in #460
- NETOBSERV-1285 Move "query is slow" info to query summary by @jpinsonneau in #438
- NETOBSERV-1443 Console plugin loki timeout should be configurable by @jpinsonneau in #446
- NETOBSERV-1450: use isolated states for mobx by @jotak in #450
- NETOBSERV-792: flag recent metrics as "inaccurate" by @jpinsonneau in #445
- NETOBSERV-1355 autocomplete menu button by @jpinsonneau in #459
- NETOBSERV-267 Panels & columns popup filters by @jpinsonneau in #424
- NETOBSERV-1464: help on 'input size too long' by @jotak in #461
- Bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.29.0 to 0.29.1 by @dependabot in #458
- Bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.45.0 to 0.46.0 by @dependabot in #452
- NETOBSERV-1416 polishing & fixes by @jpinsonneau in #463
- NETOBSERV-1416 Various console plugin issues followup by @jpinsonneau in #466
- NETOBSERV-1214 & NETOBSERV-1399 Manage cluster name and zones by @jpinsonneau in #462
- NETOBSERV-1475 zoom-in button on topology view is unclickable in collapse mode by @jpinsonneau in #468
- NETOBSERV-1485 Single focus sizing issue by @jpinsonneau in #470
- NETOBSERV-1496 netflow page table view crashes when using Destination IP as filter by @jpinsonneau in #475
Full Changelog: v0.1.11...v0.1.12