Presentation resources and demo materials for Telerik UI for Xamarin.
git clone
cd xamarin-training
Open slides/index.html in your browser or run the presentation on RawGit.
- Visual Studio - you need Visual Studio for Windows or Mac in order to compile and run Xamarin projects. You can find a lot of information on how to setup your dev environment in the Telerik UI for Xamarin documentation.
- Android Studio - we are going to use that for managing android SDK and virtual devices;
- NodeJS - (optional) used for downloading the dependencies and running the demo REST service. Not required for Xamarin development;
After installing NodeJS, you can start the demo REST service through npm
(Node Package Manager). Enter in the Command Prompt
the following command:
cd service
npm install
npm start
As this is a service running on your machine, you need to obtain your local network ip address and update the following constant:
namespace XTraining.Services
public class NorthwindService : INorthwindService
private static string baseServiceUrl = "<your ip>:3000";
- Navigate to
- All the needed files are already included and referenced, so simply build the project (CTRL + SHIFT + B) to get it ready to run.
- Navigate to
- Open
- A simple build is sufficient.
- Navigate to
- Open
- A simple build is sufficient here as well.
- Use this step-by-step tutorial on how to build a Telerik UI for Xamarin project from scratch or how to integrate the Telerik UI suite in an already existing project.
This project uses Telerik UI for Xamarin, which is commercial software. To use it, you need to agree to the Telerik End User License Agreement for Telerik UI for Xamarin. If you do not own a commercial license, the files associated with the software shall be governed by the trial license terms.
All available Telerik UI for Xamarin commercial licenses may be obtained here.