Version 25.01.0-edge
30 commits
to master
since this release
- Add DeadlineExceededException to Google Batch retryable exceptions [944f48f]
- Add Fusion token validation (#5614) [1dcb18d]
- Add stub flag to task hash only if task has a stub (#5750) [deec443]
- Add traceparent header to wave & tower clients (#5725) [7eea9f2]
- Allow Azure Batch tasks to be submitted to different pools (#5766) [76790d2]
- Configure target java version alongside gradle toolchain (#5676) [2153abb]
- Disable cleanup on remote work dir (#5742) [ef67b81]
- Do not skip integration tests on PRs [4caf6ef]
- Fail the run if publish thread pool times out (#5578) [5325e5a]
- Fix Check for number of low priority nodes in Azure Batch before raising a pool resize error (#5576) [9b528c1]
- Fix Conda directive is not honoured by task array (#5704) [f8c3b63]
- Fix Create parent directory for DAG report (#5752) [62263a3]
- Fix Google Batch task array causes process to fail (#5780) [7ad7a23]
- Fix Mount input file buckets in task arrays for Google Batch (#5739) [ba171fd]
- Fix bugs with workflow outputs (#5502) [ab59d30]
- Fix first collection method [a0ca6e4]
- Fix stub templates (#5751) [13072d6]
- Ignore tests when smoke mode is enabled [3eb6efa]
- Improve Google Batch executor stability and error handling (#5690) [b64087f]
- Preserve attributes of published files (take 2) (#5660) [422f289]
- Remove compileJava options [28e03a2]
- Remove redundant exception handling [00376aa]
- Revert "Fix the cleanup of local secret file" (#5697) [55f25b3]
- Strengthen shell directive validation (#5689) [039c8f3]
- Update HyperQueue CLI option (#5730) [BREAKING] [b582cb5]
- Update azure deps [b163da9]
- Use unbound queue for transfer thread pool (#5700) [9031968]
- Bump Fusion to version 2.5 (2nd attempt) [a7f09ae]
- Bump gradle 8.12.1 [1fffb85]
- Bump groovy 4.0.25 [19c40a4]
- Bump io.netty:netty-handler:4.1.118.Final [db4a903]
- Bump net.minidev:json-smart:2.5.2 [b5c4faf]
- Bump netty-common:4.1.118.Final [8574e24]