A learning management system where teachers can create courses and students can enroll in courses.
- Django Backend (Django Rest Framework)
- MySQL Database
- React Frontend
- Register, login, logout, email verification/2FA (TODO)
- Forgot password, change pasword (TODO)
- Option to login as either a teacher/student (TODO)
- Teacher dashboard
- Create course with file uploads and video uploads (possibilty of youtube upload) (TODO)
- See students enrolled in course
- View count for courses
- Teacher detail page
- Paid and free courses (TODO)
- All courses page w/ search bar and sort option.
- Enroll in course.
- Leave rating and feedback for course.
- My enrolled courses page (TODO)
- Course video content page with pdf files (TODO)
- Course navbar and content seperated by week (TODO)
- Approve teachers
- Approve course creation
- CRUD any content
- Delete any course, student, or teacher