nftchance Public
Personal details of the abstracted nftchance brand where CHANCE focuses on non-fungible ideals.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 12, 2025 -
docs Public
Forked from ensdomains/docsMain documentation site for the ENS protocol
TypeScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedDec 3, 2024 -
grader Public
3D Colorspace Visualizer w/ Palette Grader and Helper
bottled-water Public
Scrape Twitter profiles and tweets to analyze them for the presence of botted engagement and activity.
mev Public
A "process-parallel" MEV bot engine designed specifically for individuals that need high data stream throughput paired with the ability to craft new strategies in as few lines of code possible.
royalty-hate Public
This project demonstrates a very simple way to bypass Rari Chains "Royalty Mechanism" with a simple escrow contract, or a single token wrapping contract, or even a multi-token wrapping contract.
backtesting Public
A base template for backtesting on Equities and Cryptocurrencies in Python.
infinite-valley Public
⛰️ Forever generating view of a village in valley with SDXL.
TypeScript Interface for Ethereum
TypeScript Other UpdatedOct 31, 2023 -
emporium-lib Public
2️⃣ Streamline the creation, verification, and consumption of intent-based EIP-712 signatures and transactions.
crm-faucet Public
💧 Faucet is a CRM-seeding mechanism that constantly watches the social-doxxing endpoints of the public graph found in Web3.
cleared-finance Public
Cleared Finance is designed to operate with a centrally trusted, but decentralized, clearing house for financial derivatives on the blockchain.
hero Public
The Hero's Journey is a narrative-structured EVM-primitive built to tell stories of a hero who goes on a journey, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.
eye Public
This is an exploratory repository used to learn about using websockets in Django with a REST API.
transform-curves Public
Traditionally, the implementation of an on-chain curve has been limited to the algebraic functions hard-coded into a contract. Transform curves bring a new paradigm of endless customization
runner Public
Runner redefines how a small service business runs in 2022 by refocusing to maximum-scale operations from Day 1.
nft-receivable Public
ERC721Receivable implements the use of a PaymentToken configuration that enables mint payment with ETH, ERC20, ERC1155 and ERC721 with as little gas as possible.
longtails Public
Web3-focused long-tail MEV capture bot. Utilizing a suite of manual and automated strategies to provide routine alpha generation.
nft-temporal Public
ERC721 with DNA that populates based on time using Chainlink Keepers and VRF.
scooper Public
Save the NFTs and ETH from your compromised wallet in seconds.