Releases: ni/grpc-labview
Version v1.2.7.1
What's Changed
- Several bug fixes for serialization of nested/repeated messages by @jasonmreding in #387
Full Changelog: v1.2.6.1...v1.2.7.1
Version v1.2.6.1
What's Changed
- Avoid proxy issues for localhost only communication by @jasonmreding in #377
- Fix LV code generation so that it honors source version of the project by @jasonmreding in #380
- Fix gRPCid out when registering empty messages by @jasonmreding in #383
- Add boolean array support to GetUnpackedField. by @ccaltagi in #389
- Disabling EfficientMessageCopy feature until bugs can be fixed and further testing is performed by @jasonmreding in #391
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.2.5.1...v1.2.6.1
v1.2.5.1 - Fixed multiple server crash and implemented unpacking for varints in unknown fields
What's Changed
- Update to only export LIBRARY_EXPORT symbols from the shared library for Linux by @yaqian256 in #362
- Updated various github action's versions by @yash-ni in #367
- Added support for unpacking varints in unknownfields. by @yash-ni in #369
- Remove singleton behavior for Reflection Plugin Class to fix multiple server crash by @yash-ni in #370
New Contributors
- @yaqian256 made their first contribution in #362
Full Changelog: v1.2.4.1...v1.2.5.1
Version v1.2.4.1
What's Changed
- added a _cancelled flag for the client call to track if the call was cancelled by @ni-sujain in #360
Full Changelog: v1.2.3.1...v1.2.4.1
What's Changed
- Made 'Wait On Occurrence' reentrant and enabled separate compiled code by @yash-ni in #355
Full Changelog: v1.2.2.1...v1.2.3.1
What's Changed
- Update sync_issues_to_azdo.yml to match AzDO area path update by @xhuff in #350
- Add badges to Update by @jimkring in #347
- fixing crashes related to Repeated NestedMessage Parsing and bugs in PackToAny API by @ni-sujain in #352
- bump build spec version to by @ni-sujain in #353
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.2.1.1...v1.2.2.1
v1.2.1.1 - Fixed client side hangs and added feature toggle option for occurrence
What's Changed
- Improved cmake tests configuration by @yash-ni in #348
- Fixed gRPC Client Hang issue by @yash-ni in #349
- Added feature toggle for wait on occurrence in client API's
Full Changelog: v1.2.0.1...v1.2.1.1
v1.2.0.1 : CEIP + Client performance improvements + other minor improvements
What's Changed
- Fix formatted string for CEIP by @pratheekshasn in #315
- Fix UID string to log CEIP data by @pratheekshasn in #316
- Set "Get Server DLL" to be non-reentrant by @kt-jplotzke in #319
- Fixed issue with event structure not upgrading in 'start sync'.vi by @yash-ni in #314
- Fix browse for proto imports and other minor cleanup by @jasonmreding in #325
- Fix gRPC ID when registering empty enums by @pratheekshasn in #336
- Commented java options in helloworld.proto by @AndrewHeim in #329
- Add ability to set LVRT module path by @kt-jplotzke in #331
- Remove dialog for invalid enum error by @pratheekshasn in #334
- Feature Toggles and Debug Symbols for Release Build by @CPattar-NI in #338
- Added cmake tests that prevents people from changing message datatypes by @yash-ni in #337
- Minor text formatting changes for cmake tests by @yash-ni in #341
- Added support for function overloading in CMakeTests by @yash-ni in #342
- Client side unary communication performance improvements by @CPattar-NI in #335
New Contributors
- @kt-jplotzke made their first contribution in #319
- @jasonmreding made their first contribution in #325
- @AndrewHeim made their first contribution in #329
Full Changelog: v1.0.1.1...v1.2.0.1
v1.0.1.1 - Add support for getting enum metadata from cluster
What's Changed
- Added Streaming Tests to Testing Suite by @yash-ni in #303
- Included 'MessageConverterProxy.vim' for deletion after server generation by @yash-ni in #310
- Added enum and oneof streaming tests by @yash-ni in #306
- Add support for getting enum metadata from cluster by @pbirkhol-ni in #309
New Contributors
- @pbirkhol-ni made their first contribution in #309
Full Changelog: v1.0.0.7...v1.0.1.1
v1.0.0.5 + bug fix for debug console logs
Stellantis Direct Injection Project has a custom orchestration tool has a functionality to be called from CMD. With the new offering version the gRPC APIs are printing error every time when those are called in the code. This issue wasn't in the previous version of the gRPC llb.
This release provides a fix for this issue. Note that this change has already been submitted to the master branch and should be available on releases v1.0.0.6 and above. But the customer needs the bugfix specifically for v1.0.0.5 since they are not able to upgrade to the latest release.