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Release Process

Joel Dixon edited this page Dec 11, 2024 · 1 revision


Active development for the next release occurs on the main branch.

Releases are made from the main branch as well.


  • This project uses semantic versioning. Compatibility breakage should be rare and should be accompanied by incrementing the major version.
  • Currently, a release contains only the built VI Package for the InstrumentStudio Plug-In SDK for LabVIEW. Release versions will follow the version of the ni_instrumentstudio_plugin_sdk package version, starting at


Git tags for releases are version numbers in the form which follows the versioning scheme for a LabVIEW package which is the main release asset.

Publishing an Official Release (e.g. 1.x.0.1)

The release publishing workflow is initiated by manually creating a new release in the GitHub web UI:

  • On the releases page, click Draft a new release.
  • Choose a tag for the new release, based on the desired version number.
  • Choose the main branch.
  • Uncheck Set as a pre-release and check Set as the latest release.
  • Click Generate release notes and edit the generated release notes for brevity and style.
  • Click Save draft. Consider sharing the link to the draft release with the other repo maintainers.
  • Add packages and assets to the release.
    • Build packages/InstrumentStudio Plug-In SDK.vipb locally and add the built .vip files to the assets (ni_instrumentstudio_plugin_sdk-<version tag>.vip).
    • Build the .vipb file with 'LabVIEW 2021' selected in VI Package Manager
  • Once the package and release notes are ready, click Publish release.
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