The repository contains a personal distribution based on Arch Linux with KDE Plasma and is adapted for a computer with the Gigabyte B550I Aorus Pro AX
- The following steps will erase the entire disk to install the base operating system. Make sure to have a backup outside the computer and check that nothing is missing before proceeding.
- The author of these scripts is not responsible for any inconveniences.
- By default, the username and hostname are set to my first and last name, and is part of code.
Prepare a USB flash drive with an Arch Linux image. During the computer's boot process, select the USB as the boot device (F12). Once Arch Linux Live has started, enter the following commands:
pacman -Sy curl
curl -sfL | sh -s -- base
Once the previous step is completed without errors and you have restarted the computer, run the following command to install KDE Plasma 6.x with all applications:
curl -sfL | sh -s -- kde
Install aditional applications and tools independently of the desktop:
curl -sfL | sh -s -- packages
Finally, the work environment needs to be configured:
curl -sfL | sh -s -- profile
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