Ever wondered what your friends have been observing last night? Or whether you've observed that particular galaxy before? Astro Log is a mobile app for logging and sharing your astronomical observations. Side note: No, this is not an astrology platform.
Note: I started this project in 2021 but didn't have the time to really work on it. Still, I believe that amateur astronomers (or people who just like pretty pictures 😉 ) would love this app. Hence, I may continue working on it in the future.
Log your observations including information such as
- date and time (assigned automatically or manually),
- place of observation (via GPS or manual entry),
- observed objects (most importantly),
- observers,
- equipment used (e.g. telescopes, eyepieces, filters, mounts and binoculars),
- magnification,
- weather conditions (e.g. astronomical seeing, cloud cover on the okta scale and wind speed on the Beaufort scale),
- light pollution (using the Bortle scale, limiting magnitude or magnitudes per square arcsecond),
- images you've taken,
- and any annotations you might want to add.
Join a group and share your observational data! 🔭
Made with Flutter and Firebase.
Once production ready, the application will be available for both iOS and Android in the App Store and Play Store.