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Laravel - Queue

In this sample is for sending email using queue.

  1. First we need to create a basic skelton poject of laravel. I'm using laravel 5.7

    laravel new my-laravel-queue

  2. There after we need the following table to maintain the queue

    php artisan queue:table

    after the migration created migrate the migration to real tables using migrate command of artisian

    php artisan migrate

  3. There after we need to adding a Route to sending Email we adding that route as /sendEmail in our main route. which is define in web.php file

        Route::get('/sendEmail',function (){
             return 'Email Sent';
  4. There after create queue job to sending email using the following command.

    php artisan make:job SendEmailJob

    there is a file will be created on app/Jobs/SendEmailJob.php

    In the above mentioned file adding the Mail sending command on handle() method

         Mail::to('')->send(new SendEmailMailable());
  5. There after dipatch() the Job in route. (You can dispatch the job in Controller too.)

        Route::get('/sendEmail',function (){
            $job = (new \App\Jobs\SendEmailJob())->delay(now()->addSeconds(5));
            return 'Email Sent';

That's all about it. you can send your email and can check the email on

Don't forgot to setup your credintials on .env file of yours


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