An IIS Website needs to be served inside the intranet but traffic needs to be SSL encrypted using HTTPS.
The Server has outgoing, but no incoming internet connections.
Providing a local CA is cumbersome and difficult to operate securely.
Public certs and public domain that points to a local ip.
"Use public certs, but for internal addresses."
For "How would you like prove ownership for the domain(s)?" choose "[dns] Create verification records with your own script".
- create access token with dns edit permission for the zone (
- copy .env.example to .env
- copy .env to the location of wacs.exe
- set correct zone id and access token
- unblock the script via powershell:
Unblock-File -Path 'C:\Path\To\Script.ps1'
- copy the zone id and access token into renew.ps1 and remove the code that loads the .env file because this may be unsupported on older systems