My name is Nikolay Gekht or @nikolaygekht at github.
You can also find me in the other places:
- Look at LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolay-gekht/ for my resume, work history, certifications and articles in English
- Read my articles in English at my company website: https://www.gehtsoftusa.com/blog
- Read my translations and articles in Russian at habr: https://habr.com/ru/users/ngekht/
I earned my first money back in 1988 (I was in high school) developing receipe management software for a milk factory. It ran a Soviet copy of PDP-11 microcomputer called DVK and was written in pure K&R C. Then there were years of assembler programming for 8080, Z80, 8086, 80386. Then came Windows 3.0 and C++. 20 years, dozen of languages and handful of OSes later, I currently mostly use C# and occasionally develop cross-platform Windows/Linux apps.
Last few years, while still acting as a architect and project leader, I shifted my focus to organization of the development team, business agility and... education.
As an educator I deliver Microsoft's C# developer and Azure developer as well as ICAgile's ICP course. For sure, I am open for coaching and mentoring about development or Agile questions. Please feel free to take a look at my courses flyer
So... welcome to my page and don't forget to take a look at my company's page, most of open source projects, that I support, are located there @gehtsoft-usa.