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added description of files; added gamma_m to physics data file
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nimar committed Mar 9, 2015
1 parent 32628d0 commit b23b393
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Showing 3 changed files with 164 additions and 12 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions description.tex
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%% I am embedding the bibliography in the latex file for simplicity !!

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,6 +231,8 @@ \subsection{False Detections}

\section{Hyperpriors and Constants}


T & = 3600 \, s \\
R & = 6371 \, km \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,6 +538,149 @@ \subsection{Uniform}
\mathbb{1}_{x<b}\, ,\]
defined over all $x \in \mathbb{R}$.

\section{Supplied Python Scripts}

All of the supplied scripts are briefly described in the provided {\tt
README.txt} file. Here is a more detailed description.


This script first draws a sample from the hyperpriors. This sample
represents the physics of a hypothetical earth. Next it samples a
number of episodes of seismic events and detections based on this
underlying physics. The episodes are divided into two sets, one for
training and the other for testing, and then saved. The test episodes
are further stripped of all events and associations and saved in the
blind test file. The arguments to the script are as follows.
\item The number of episodes to sample for each of the training and test
\item The file name to save the physics.
\item The file name to save the training data.
\item The file name to save the test data.
\item The file name to save the blind test data.
The following sample output is generated when the script is run. First
we create a directory to save the data, and then invoke {\tt}.
$> mkdir data

$> ./ 100 data/ data/ data/ data/test.blind
263 events generated
58.9 % events have at least two detections
316 events generated
57.9 % events have at least two detections

$> ls data test.blind
The format of the {\tt} is very simple. It simple lists
each attribute of the physics in the order specified in
Section~\ref{sec-hyperprior} followed by an equal sign and the value as
represented in Python. For example, the following are the first few
lines of this file.
T = 3600
R = 6371
lambda_e = 2.44749420963e-12
mu_m = 3.0
theta_m = 4.0
gamma_m = 6.0
mu_d0 = [-15.525711059357944, -13.02388685474455, -7.7621843877940453, -11.133601793604004, -4.3077944888906963, -6.4595999202909073, -6.0893863902811285, -11.5243613488537, -10.974148036814023, -13.319638578401111]

This script has a number of utilities that are described below.
\item {\tt compute\_travel\_time} is the function $I_T$.
\item {\tt compute\_slowness} is the function $I_S$.
\item {\tt invert\_slowness} is the function $I_S^{-1}$.
\item {\tt write\_namedtuple} writes out a Python {\em named tuple} to
file. This is used to write the physics out to file.
\item {\tt read\_namedtuple} clearly reads a Python {\em named tuple}
from file. This function is handy to read the physics data.
\item {\tt write\_episodes} writes out a list of episodes to file.
\item {\tt write\_single\_episode} writes out a single episode to an
existing file stream.
\item {\tt read\_episodes} reads a list of episodes from a file.
\item {\tt iterate\_episodes} sets up a Python iterator for iterating
episodes in a file.
\item {\tt compute\_distance} is the $dist$ function.
\item {\tt compute\_azimuth} is the $G_z$ function.
\item {\tt invert\_dist\_azimuth} computes a location by traveling a
certain amount of distance in a given azimuth from a fixed
location. This problem is also called {\em reckoning}. The use of this
function is critical to the sample solver.
\item {\tt compute\_degdiff} is the $\psi$ function.
\item {\tt mvar\_norm\_fit} for fitting data to a multivariate normal.
\item {\tt mvar\_norm\_sample} for sampling from a multivariate
normal. This function is used in {\tt} to generate the
detection probability coefficient, for example.


This sample solver is in a very rudimentary stage as of this
writing. This version cheats by looking directly at the physics rather
than learning the physics from the training data. The arguments to the
script are as follows.
\item The name of the physics data file.
\item The name of the blind data file.
\item The name of the file where the solutions are to be written out.
Here is a sample
command to run this script.
$> ./ data/ data/test.blind data/test.solution
The script keeps printing out to the terminal the events that it has
located while populating the solution file as well. The solution file is
flushed at the end of each episode.

A brief summary of the algorithm is as follows. For each detection we
invert the slowness to get a distance estimate. Next invert the distance
estimate and azimuth to get a potential event location, and finally the
event time and magnitude is computed from the location. Now, repeat this
process with perturbed slowness and azimuth values to get a number of
candidates events from each detection. A large number of candidates, roughly a
hundred from each detection, is thus generated. A candidate is assigned
a score by attempting to associate the best set of detections from the
available pool. An event score is the log likelihood ratio of the
associated detections being generated by the event versus the same
detections being generated by noise.

Once a best candidate is identified, its associated detections are
removed from the pool and the process is repeated. Once the score of a
candidate event is below a threshold the process stops.

Of course, this algorithm makes a number of simplifications. For example,
it ignores the event prior and doesn't consider splitting or merging
events. Please refer to \cite{Arora2013} for the actual deployed

This script takes only two arguments. The data file with the correct
bulletin, the so-called {\em gold} data, and the guess data file. The
guess file could have fewer episodes than the gold data. In this case
only the episodes in the guess data file are evaluated. Here is a sample
output from the script.
$> ./ data/ data/test.solution
Guess data has fewer episodes than gold data!!
115 matchable events, 147 guess events, and 84 matched
Precision 57.1 % , Recall 73.0 % , F1 64.1
Time Errors mean 6.7 std 5.6
Dist Errors mean 1.4 std 0.9
Mag Errors mean 0.2 std 0.1


This utlity script implements a max-weight max cardinality matching
algorithm that is used for the evaluation.


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from scipy.stats import gamma, norm, invgamma, poisson, uniform, expon,\
bernoulli, laplace, cauchy
from numpy import array, sqrt, log, exp, pi, arcsin, degrees
from numpy import array, sqrt, log, exp, pi, arcsin, degrees, seterr
from collections import namedtuple

from util import *
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ def sample_physics():
# event magnitude
mu_m = 3.0
theta_m = 4.0
gamma_m = 6.0

# Note: the correct choice of theta_m should be 0.75.
# We have chosen a large value here to force larger events and hence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ def sample_physics():
mu_f.append(norm.rvs(-0.68, 0.68))
theta_f.append(invgamma.rvs(23.5, 0, 12.45))

return Physics(T, R, lambda_e, mu_m, theta_m, mu_d0, mu_d1, mu_d2,
return Physics(T, R, lambda_e, mu_m, theta_m, gamma_m, mu_d0, mu_d1, mu_d2,
mu_t, theta_t, mu_z, theta_z, mu_s, theta_s,
mu_a0, mu_a1, mu_a2, sigma_a,
lambda_f, mu_f, theta_f)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,8 +161,9 @@ def sample_episodes(numepisodes, physics):
# magnitude has an exponential distribution as per Gutenberg-Richter law
while True:
evmag = expon.rvs(physics.mu_m, physics.theta_m)
# magnitude saturates at 6
if evmag > 6.0:
# magnitude saturates at some maximum value,
# re-sample if we exceed the max
if evmag > physics.gamma_m:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,15 +237,13 @@ def sample_episodes(numepisodes, physics):

while True:
# resample if the detection amplitude is infinite
detamp = exp(cauchy.rvs(physics.mu_f[stanum],

if np.isinf(detamp):
detamp = exp(cauchy.rvs(physics.mu_f[stanum],
except FloatingPointError:



detections.append(Detection(stanum, dettime, detaz, detslow, detamp))

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# the Physics object represents the underlying physics of the problem which
# is generated once for all episodes
Physics = namedtuple("Physics", [
"T", "R", "lambda_e", "mu_m", "theta_m", "mu_d0", "mu_d1", "mu_d2",
"T", "R", "lambda_e", "mu_m", "theta_m", "gamma_m", "mu_d0", "mu_d1", "mu_d2",
"mu_t", "theta_t", "mu_z", "theta_z", "mu_s", "theta_s",
"mu_a0", "mu_a1", "mu_a2", "sigma_a",
"lambda_f", "mu_f", "theta_f",
Expand Down

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