- Latest build status with azerothcore:
Allows the owner to edit the armor they want without having to edit it in the source code
This module allows you to do this and this. This module allows the player to give you a promotion that consists of the following.
- 1 Level 90 Character per account
- 4 Backpacks
- 2,500G of gold
- Level 78 armor
- Mount 1
My module requires:
- AzerothCore
1) Simply place the module into the AzerothCore `modules` directory (repository), not the compilation.
2) Import the SQL manually to the correct database (auth, world or characters) or with the `db_assembler.sh` (if `include.sh` is provided).
3) Run Cmake again and generate the necessary compilation. (Check the guide)
If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (where your worldserver
or worldserver.exe
is), copy mod_promotion.conf.dist
and edit that new file.
- Asmadeuxx (module author) Edit the link to point to your github if you wish.
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