mindboggle123 same ANTs output release
This minor release fixes issue #145: "mindboggle123 volume results change each time because of stochastic element in ANTs segmentation algorithm".
Every time the mindboggle123 script is run, FreeSurfer, ANTs, and Mindboggle generate output. FreeSurfer and Mindboggle always generate the same output given the same input, but we were alerted today that the Atropos segmentation algorithm in ANTs has a stochastic element that is on by default ("-u 1"), leading to slightly different volume shape measures each time it is run. Since mindboggle123 script calls this algorithm, every time it is run, we likewise get slightly different volume shape measures. Surface shape measures are unaffected. By adding the "-u 0" flag to the antsCorticalThickness.sh call in the mindboggle123 script, we now get the same results every time.