YelpCamp is a Web Application which displays the campground details, the user ratings, comments. This application implements Mongo DB CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations by using Mongoose library in Node-JS. Application uses Passport.js authentication for user login so that the user can add/edit/delete their own campgrounds.
NodeJS, ExpressJS, Mongoose.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Passport.js, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Heroku, mLab
- YelpCamp uses Bootstrap3. Backend is an Express/Node.js app hosted on Heroku.
- YelpCamp uses Mongoose.js library for the MongoDB database hosted on mLab to store the app data. User can sign and singup using the Passport.js library authentication as middleware.
- Application has CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations which lets the logged in user to create, update and delete their own campgrounds.