bot-tly - Up your class with Butler bottly in your IRC Channel
Get the source code from GitHub:
git clone
Then run:
python bottly/ # possibly 'python3'
These are the commands you can use to interact with bottly.
join Joins a specific channel.
leave [] Leaves a specific channel. Leave defaults to the channel the command was issued in.
quit Disconnects bottly from the IRC Server.
hush Stops bottly from responding to commands available to normal users.
unhush Allows bottly to respond to commands available to normal users.
tinyoff Turns off bottly's automatic URL shortener.
tinyon Turn bottly's automatic URL shortener on.
author List information about the author.
contributors List information about some of the contributors
foo Simple command that returns "foo" mainly for testing purposes.
mail ... Create a new message for bottly to deliver next time the user is online.
checkmail Returns recent messages bottly has waiting for you.
isup Returns whether a URL is up or down.
tiny Returns a shortened URL using TinyURL, useful for when bottly's automatic URL shortener is turned off
uptime Returns how long bottly has been connected to the server.
Configurations are located in 'config.json' in the root folder of the project.
DEBUG True | False - Turns debugging mode on or off.
Admins Defines a list of nicks which have adminstrative access.
Trusted Defines a list of nicks which have trusted access (think superuser).
Server Defines which IRC Server you'd like bottly to connect to.
Port Defines which Port you'd like bottly to try to connect on.
Channel Defines a list of IRC Channel you'd like bottly to connect to.
BotNick Defines the nick you'd like bottly to connect with.
Trigger Defines which character preludes the commands.
LogDir Defines which directory to save log files to.
LogFile Defines what file to write logs to.
Responses Defines bottly's responses to certain situations.
quit: Message displayed when quiting the server
leave: Message displayed when leaving a channel
tiny_success: Message displayed on successful URL shorten
tiny_short: Message displayed when URL is already shorter
tiny_failure: Message displayed on failed URL shorten
more_mail: Message displayed when user has more mail that can be displayed at one time
no_mail: Message displayed when user has no mail
hush_on: Message displayed when bottly is hushed
hush_off: Message displayed when bottly is unhushed
autotiny_on: Message displayed when automatic URL shortener is activated
autotiny_off: Message displayed when automatic URL shortener is deactivated
isup_up: Message displayed when URL is working
isup_down: Message displayed when URL is inaccessable
deny: Message displayed when user tries to run elevated commands
Written by Andrew Dulle
This IRC Bot is in constant development. Being a side project, development will fluctuate but feel free to fork! Patches/Pull Requests welcome. See the file 'notes/todo' in the main repo if you'd like to see if you can help out.
Find bottly on, we're both in #nixheads if you have any questions or ideas.