Artificial Intelligence–based Quantification of Pleural Plaque Volume and Association With Lung Function in Asbestos-exposed Patients 💻 🔎
Open sourcing segmentation models for pleural plaques in thoracic CT scans following our publication
Managed by Kevin Groot Lipman (k.groot.lipman[at]nki[dot]nl, k.b.w.grootlipman[at]gmail[dot]com)
Install miniconda3: or
curl -O
Create and activate a conda environment with Python
conda create --name torch python=3.11
conda activate torch
Install latest PyTorch version with conda and cuda support:
Only then install nnUNet
pip install nnunet
Please read the updated nnUNet repo for instructions:
nnUNet models do not accept DICOM files. Therefore, we must first convert our selected CT scans to the Nifti format. Install conversion software:
conda activate torchv2
git clone
cd nrrdify
pip install .
Run the conversion script:
nrrdify DICOM_FOLDER --out OUTPUT_FOLDER --format nii.gz
If DICOM scans are not being converted, it is most likely due to inconsistent slice spacing. This is intended behavior since we don't process CT scans with inconsistent 'gaps'.
Download models/
Replace XXX with the task number you want to run (200-204)
- Unzip in your
folder defined in 3.2 - Run
nnUNet_predict TaskXXX_PP -i INPUT_FOLDER -o OUTPUT_FOLDER -f all -c 3d_fullres
The script will run and the AI model will output binary segmentation masks in 'OUTPUT_FOLDER'.
- Download Slicer 5.3 at
- Start Slicer, go to 'File' -> 'Add data' -> 'Choose File(s) to Add'. Select the Nifti CT scan (with _0000.nii.gz at the end) and the corresponding segmentation (same name without _0000).
- Before you click 'OK', ensure that the CT scan is loaded as 'Volume' (in column 'Description') and the segmentation is loaded as 'Segmentation'.
- The CT scan and corresponding segmentation is now visible
- Click on 'Welcome to Slicer', then 'Segment Editor'.
- Here are several tools to correct the segmentation; the most common ones are the 'Paint' and the 'Erase' tool on the left.
- If nnUNet cannot find the CT scans in your folder, you probably forgot to append the _0000 before .nii.gz
- Other problems, please don't hesitate to reach out
- This project heavily relied on nnUNet; big shoutout to them: